Organization Settings

To gather data from your Exchange Organization you will need to add that Exchange Organization in Exchange Reporter Plus.


If you give appropriate credentials during installation, the Exchange Organization will be added automatically. You can manually add a new Exchange organization and delete, modify or make an existing Exchange Organization as default from the "Organization Settings" option.

Adding a new Exchange Organization:


To add a new Exchange Organization:

  1. Click on the "Organization Settings" link under the "Admin" Tab

  2. Click on "Add New Organization" under Configurations

  3. Enter the "Global Catalog Server" name. [If your Exchange Server is within your forest, Global Catalog Server name will be updated automatically.]

  4. Provide "Credentials" and click on "Add" to add a New Exchange Organization.

[The credentials provided here will be used for a seamless data extraction from the Exchange Servers. Ensure proper credentials are provided �Check the complete list of privileges required for various data gatherings.]


Modifying an Exchange Organization:


To modify an Exchange Organization:

  1. Click on the "Organization Settings" link under the "Admin" Tab

  2. Click on the icon against the Exchange Organization that is to be modified.

  3. Modify the required fields.

  4. Click on "Update"

Deleting an Exchange Organization:


To delete an Exchange Organization:

  1. Click on the "Organization Settings" link under the "Admin" Tab

  2. Click on icon against the Exchange Organization to be deleted.

Making an Exchange Organization as Default:

Any Exchange Organizations can be made as default by clicking on the icon against the corresponding Exchange Organization.


By design, the product shows reports, home graphs and schedule creation options for the Exchange Organization selected as default.

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