User Management

An administrator can select existing Active Directory users or create new users and assign "Admin" or "Operator" roles to them.

The User Management option allows you to:

Add Users:


You can either add an existing "Active Directory User" or Create a New User with "Exchange Reporter Plus authentication". The user created can be allowed to access the product with the Roles assigned to him.


To add an Existing Active Directory User

  1. Click on Admin -->>User Management

  2. Click on the "Add New User" link at the Top Right of the page.

  3. Select the User Type as "Active Directory User".

  4. Click on the "Select User" link against "User Name" to select the "Active Directory User" from the Pop-Up. (The quick search option enhances the speed of your search).

  5. Select the "Role" to be assigned to the user.

  6. Click on "Save".

This allows an existing "Active Directory User" to login into the product with his Active Directory credentials and perform the Role assigned to him.


To Create a New "Exchange Reporter Plus User" to access the product

  1. Click on Admin -->>User Management

  2. Click on the "Add New User" link at the Top Right of the page.

  3. Select the User Type as "Exchange Reporter Plus User" from the Drop Down

  4. Enter a User Name

  5. Enter a Password

  6. Confirm the Password.

  7. Select the "Role" to be assigned to the user.

  8. Click on "Save".

This creates a new user who can access the product with a corresponding "Role" assigned to him. This user can login into the product using "Exchange Reporter Plus authentication" with the "Password" given during user creation.


Modify the User Roles:


This will modify the Role assigned to a selected user. You cannot modify the role of the default "admin" user.

  1. Click on Admin -->>User Management (This lists all the Users who can access the product)

  2. To modify the User Role click on the icon.

  3. Select a different Role from Drop Down. ("Admin" or "operator")

  4. Click on "Save".

Assign a New Password to an Exchange Reporter Plus User

This action is applicable only for users who use an Exchange Reporter Plus authentication.

  1. Click on Admin -->>User Management (This lists all the Users who can access the product)

  2. Click on "Assign New" against the password to be changed user.

  3. Enter the New Password

  4. Confirm the Password

  5. Click on Save.

This will assign a new password for the user. You can also change the default "admin" user password with this option.


Delete Users:


To delete a user:

  1. Click on Admin -->>User Management (This lists all the Users who can access the product)

  2. To delete a User click on the icon against the user to be deleted.

  3. Click on OK.

You cannot delete the default "Admin" user.


Enable / Disable Users:


To enable / disable any user who accesses the product.

  1. Click on Admin -->>User Management (This lists all the Users who can access the product)

  2. To disable any user click on icon. (or) To enable any disabled user click on icon.

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