Customize Alert Profiles

All the alert profiles can be customized after creation. Click on "Alerts" option in the left pane. Select "Customize Alert Profiles". All the alerts are listed and can be customized as follows.

Enable / Disable the alert profile

To enable or disable an alert profile,

  1. Click on the icon to disable the profile. To enable the profile, use icon.

Edit the existing Alert Profiles

To edit the existing alert profiles,

  1. Click on the icon against any alert profile.

  2. Change the name, description, reports, alert message and severity level.

Delete the alert profile

To delete an alert profile,

  1. Click on the icon against any alert profile.

Configure the alert for email notification

If an email notification is not configured for an alert, using the "Configure" option it can configured here. To configure email notification, click on "Configure" option.

Check the email notification button.

  1. List the email id. If multiple ids exist, use "," to separate.

  2. Enter the subject of the email message.

  3. Click on OK.

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