Firewall CLI Terminal - Firewall Analyzer

    Open CLI terminal of various firewall devices

    You can connect firewall and other security devices via CLI terminal from Firewall Analyzer itself, to open the terminal go to Settings > Discovery > Terminal page. 

    First add the device for which the terminal to be opened.

    • Click Add button. You will see the Add Terminal Device screen.
    • Enter the host name of the firewall for which you want to open the terminal in the Remote Host Mame field.
    • Enter the port number for SSH or Telnet connection in the Remote Port field.
    • Enter the Login Name and Password credentials of the firewall device.
    • Enter the Login Prompt, Password Prompt, Command Prompt of the firewall device.
    • Enter the Device Type.
    • Select the Device Visibility from the drop down menu, Only Me/Admin/Every One.
    • Click Save to save the firewall device terminal credentials or click Cancel to cancel the operation.



    The host will be added in the Custom tab of the Terminal screen. The table has the following columns, Host Name, Device Type, Terminal Device Group, Created By, and Last Modified By. The columns of the table are searchable. You can aslo choose the table columns. You can refresh the table and carryout table wise search.

    The host entry contains secured SSH and Telnet terminal icons for each host. You have to click on the icon to open the host terminal and execute the required command.

    The Terminal screen contains one more tab called Audit History. The table has the following columns, Host Name, Operation Performed, Invoked By, Executed At, Message, and Device Type. The columns of the table are searchable. You can aslo choose the table columns. You can refresh the table and carryout table wise search.

    From this screen you can find out all the terminal activities carried out on the hosts.