Percentile Report

    The Percentile Report in NetFlow Analyzer can be used to generate detailed traffic reports based on percentile values. This report gives detailed insights into the IN and OUT traffic for Interfaces, Interface Groups, and IP Groups in your network and and their 90th, 95th, and 99th percentiles.


    To generate this report, navigate to Reports > NetFlow > Percentile Report..

    • Source: The category of source (here, Interfaces, Interface Groups, and IP Groups) for which you want the report to be generated.
    • Traffic Type: The traffic type(here, Volume, Speed, or Utilization) for which the report is to be generated.
    • Time Period: The day(s) / the hours for which you wish to generate the report data.
    • Business Hour Rules: You can configure Business Hours to filter out and view only the reports generated within the business hours of your organization.
    • Weekends: Weekends can be excluded or included from the period the reports generated for.

    Note: The percentile values of all NetFlow Analyzer reports can be preconfigured under Settings > NetFlow > Data Unit > Percentile Value. Here the Data unit calculation method, Speed Unit, Volume Unit, Decimal places, and Percentile Value can be modified and configured individually based on requirement.

    Click here to know how to configure Percentile Report in NetFlow Analyzer

    Click here to learn more about Data Unit settings.