
    Before setting up NetFlow Analyzer in your enterprise, ensure that the following are taken care of.

    Ports Required

    NetFlow Analyzer Central Server requires the following ports to be free:

    Port Name Default Port Number Usage
    MySQL port 33306

    This is the port used to connect to the MySQL database in NetFlow Analyzer. Changing this port requires configuration level changes.

    Web server port 80

    This is the port on which you will connect to the NetFlow Analyzer server from a web browser. You can change this at any time from the Settings tab.

    Https Port 443

    This is the port through which the collector communicates with the central server

    NetFlow Analyzer Collector requires the following ports to be free:

    Port Name Default Port Number Usage
    MySQL port 33307

    This is the port used to connect to the MySQL database in NetFlow Analyzer. Changing this port requires configuration level changes.

    Web server port 80

    This is the port on which you will connect to the NetFlow Analyzer server from a web browser. You can change this at any time from the Settings tab.

    NetFlow Listener port 9996

    This is the port on which NetFlow exports are received from routers. You can change this at any time from the Settings tab.

    Recommended System Setup

    Apart from the System Requirements, the following setup would ensure optimal performance from NetFlow Analyzer.

    • Run NetFlow Analyzer on a separate, dedicated PC or server. The software is resource-intensive, and a busy processor can cause problems in collecting NetFlow data.
    • Use the MySQL pre-bundled with NetFlow Analyzer. You need not start another separate instance of MySQL.

    Changing the Default MySQL Port

    1. Edit the file present in the
      /bin directory.
    2. And add the following line with the desired port number instead of 33306 to the bottom of the file:
      set DB_PORT=33306
      export DB_PORT=33306
    3. Save the file.
    4. Edit the database_params.conf file present in the
      /conf directory.
      For NetFlow Analyzer Central Server
    5. Change the port number in the following line to the desired port number instead of 33306:
    6. For NetFlow Analyzer Collector
    7. Change the port number in the following line to the desired port number instead of 33307:
    8. Save the file and restart the server.