How to import users into ServiceDesk Plus from a CSV file

  • The first thing to do to kickstart ServiceDesk Plus application is add users into it. There are four different ways to do it. You can import from Active Directory, from a CSV file, from LDAP, or you can also add manually.
  • Let's see how to import the users from a CSV file. Under users click on "requesters". The three options, import from Active Directory, import from CSV, and add manually are visible here. Click on "import from CSV". The configuration item wizard opens. In this wizard, select the CI type as requester. Choose the CSV file from your local machine and submit.
  • If you have date fields in your CSV file, you need to select the identical date format here.
  • To add a requester, the display name, login name, and password are mandatory fields. Make sure you have this information in your CSV file.
  • Now, the column headers of your CSV file are listed in the drop-down against each field. Select the appropriate columns for each of the fields and save.
  • Now, the data in the CSV file are imported into SDP and are listed under Requesters.
Resources for further reading

Resources for further reading