Viewing Activities based on Filters
Through the pre-defined filters in the Activities Tab, you can have a quick and consolidated view of the tasks and events configured in the application. There are some pre defined filters in SupportCenter Plus as shown,
Tasks Today:
Lists all the tasks assigned to the logged in support rep that is due on that day.
Pending Tasks:
Lists all the unfinished and incomplete tasks assigned to the logged in support rep.
Overdue Tasks:
Lists all the tasks assigned to the logged in support rep that has exceeded the due date.
Completed Tasks:
Lists all the tasks assigned to the logged in support rep which are completed and closed.
All Tasks:
Lists all the tasks, irrespective of status, configured in the application.
My Tasks:
Lists the tasks assigned to the logged in support rep, irrespective of the status.
All Events:
Lists all the events configured in the application.
Events Today:
Lists all the events that are to be held on that day.
Upcoming Events:
Lists all the upcoming events in the organization.
My Events:
Lists all the events created by the logged in support rep.