SupportCenter Plus


    You can set the default language, currency, date and time to be displayed in the application, enable Business Units and Active Directory Authentication for Support Reps, provided an Alias URL and URL Redirection, Mark request conversations as public/private and much more in General Settings.


    To access the General Settings configuration page,

    1. Click the Admin tab in the header pane to open the configuration wizard page.

    2. Click on the Settings icon settingsiconunder Organization Settings.


    Language, Currency, Date and Time Settings

    • Display Language

      Select the language in which the application should be displayed from the drop down. Say, Chinese, Dutch. The browser default language is English.

    • Currency

      Specify the default currency of the SupportCenter Plus in the given text field. This unit will be used in all the places where cost calculation is done. Default currency specified in SupportCenter Plus is $.

    • Date and Time Format

      You can set the default format for data and time from the respective drop down. The selected data and time format is displayed wherever the date and time is required in SupportCenter Plus application.


    Request Settings

    • Product Display

      While selecting a product in the new request form or contract form, you have an option to list only the
      Account-based products or All products by choosing the option from the drop down.

    • Intelligent Response System

      While creating a new request, contacts can view the available solutions (solutions which they can view) related to the request. Thus the contacts can search for solutions instantly rather than conducting a separate search in the Solutions tab. To avail this feature enable suggest solutions for Contacts check box.

    • Conversations

      The mail transactions between the support rep handling the request and the contact are listed under Conversations in the request details page. Conversations between two support reps or between a support rep and account manager can be made private,i.e., these conversations will not be available to the contacts. In short, if the contact's email address is not specified in the To or CC field, the conversation is moved to private. Enable
      Make request conversations public or private check box to avail this option.

    • Request Feature Settings

      Includes options to change the status of a request to Open, when a contact replies to an Onhold request. And, actions to perform when a contact replies to a closed requests.

      If you wish to change the status to Open, when a contact replies to an Onhold request, click 'Yes' radio button.

      Select the following options when a contact replies to a Closed request - the request is reopened always; if the contact replies within the specified number of days from the closed time, the request is reopened. Else, the reply is created as a new request; the reply is appended as a conversation and notified to the support rep. The status of the request remains unchanged; the reply is created as a new request.


    User Addition and Import Settings

    • Contact auto-addition configuration

      If a request fetched into the application is from an unknown contact (contact details are unavailable in the database) then you have options,

      • Do not log the request: This option will not log any of the new request details.

      • Log the request, but add the contacts after approval: This option will log the request details but the contact information is added after approval from the concern personnel. These contacts will be listed under Unapproved contacts.

      • Log the request and add the contact without approval:  This option will log the request and add the contact details to the server automatically without any formal approval.

      • Also create self-service login account:  If you have selected the latter option, you can create a Self-service Login account to the contact.

        Select any one of the available options as per your need.

    • Auto-assign a contact to an account: Requests raised by contacts whose information is unavailable in SupportCenter Plus application can be assigned to the account with the specified domain name automatically. Say, a contact John with the email address, sends an email to supportcenter for the first time and the domain, is already mapped to the account MyCompany Inc., then John is automatically associated to MyCompany Inc.

      If the account information is unavailable in the database, then SupportCenter Plus automatically adds the account name from the specified domain name in the email address and automatically associate the contact to it. You can also exclude certain domains on selecting
      Excluded Domains link.

      When a contact is automatically associated to an account, you can enable email notification to be sent to support reps. Select the check box under
      Notifications. Next, click Choose button and select the select the support reps from the list. Click Ok to populate the selected support reps in the notifications field.


    Contact Settings

    • Module Tabs

      Enable the respective check box to show the
      Solutions and Reports tab to the contacts. The contacts have permission to view the solutions and reports.

    • Home tab Dashboard widget

      If you would like to show any plain text, video or any output that requires an HTML snippet in the form of widget to the contacts, you can Add a Custom widget to be displayed under the Home tab of the contacts login.

      To add a custom widget:

      1. Click Add a Custom Widget link to open the Custom Widget pop up.

      2. Enter a name to be displayed for the widget in the Widget Name field.

      3. Enter the brief description on the custom widget in the Description text field.

      4. Paste the HTML snippet of a plain text in the field provided.

      5. Click Save to display the output.

        Only one widget can be created for the contacts.

    The widget can be edited by clicking Edit Widget link and you can delete it by clicking Delete link. Enable the check box beside the widget name to make it available in the contact login.

    • Solutions View

      Users without account can view the solutions to common problems in the login screen without raising a request. To view the solutions, enable any of the radio buttons to view,

      • Show All Topics: All the topics in solutions can be viewed in the Login screen.

      • Don't show any Topics: On enabling the radio button, no topics can be viewed in the login screen.

      • Show specific Topics Template: On enabling this option, the topic template gets listed in the combo box. Select the topic template to be viewed in the login screen.  

    The solutions can be viewed in the following URL:  http://<server name>:<port number>/sd/

    • Request Cost Information

      You have options to either show or hide the request cost (Time Entry) to the contacts. You can select any of the options from the following three,

      • Don't show to Contacts: The request cost is not shown to the contacts.

      • Show only to primary Contacts: The request cost is shown only to the Primary Contact.

      • Show All contacts: The request cost is available to all contacts.

    • Allow Contacts to edit their own profile

      f you wish to allow the contacts to edit their profile then select 'Yes' radio button else select 'No' option.

    • Show Account Information to Contact(s)

    Certain account information may contain vital facts that requires concealment from the contacts. To refrain the contacts from viewing the account information in the request details page, click 'No' radio button. Click 'Yes' radio button to allow the contacts to view the account details.

    • Show Reminders to Contact(s)

      If you wish to show reminder option to contacts then select 'Yes' radio button else select 'No' option. The reminders will be shown right top of the web client.

    • Show Support Team's availability information to Contacts(s)

      If you wish to show the support teams availability information to the contacts then click 'Yes' radio button else select 'No' option. The availability will be shown in the home page under Support Team tab.


    Support Rep Settings


    Set the support rep's default online status by selecting the radio button. If you wish to show the support team's availability information to the support rep enable 'Yes' radio button, else select 'No'.  



    Business Unit Settings


    You can enable multi tendency feature by selecting Enable Business Units check box. With Business Units in SupportCenter Plus you can manage all your business units, accounts and contacts. [Refer Configuring Business Units for more information.]  



    Logo Settings


    You can customize the application by choosing to display your custom logo. You need to add the logo in two dimensions, one for the login page and the other for the header image that you see on the top left corner of the pages once you login. The login page image should be of the dimensions 260 px x 65 px (W x H), while the header image needs to be 190 px x 30 px.


    To import the login page image,

    1. Click Import image ... button.

    2. Click Browse button to choose the image.

    3. In the file chooser window, select the file that you wish to import and click Open.

    4. Click Import.

    The image that you just imported will be replaced instead of the login page image. Follow the same process for header image also.


    Outlook Settings


    • Outlook Configuration

      While importing the contact details from Outlook into SupportCenter Plus application, login details for the contact can be created automatically by enabling the check box. The contact e
      -mail id is taken as user name and password.

    • Outlook Sync Options

      The tasks and events can be synchronized between Microsoft Outlook and the SupportCenter Plus. You can synchronize
      Private, Public, or All tasks and events by enabling either of the options under Synchronize Tasks and Synchronize Events


    Other Settings

    • Max. File Attachment Size

      You also have an option to set the
      Maximum size of Incoming and Outgoing mail attachment in SupportCenter Plus. By default you have max of Incoming mail attachment to be 10 MB and outgoing of 5 MB.

    • Forum Configuration

      If you would like to route all the forum posts to SupportCenter Plus as requests then specify the mail address in the given text field.

    • Alias URL

      To provide an alternate URL,

      1. In the text field provided beside the http:// text, enter the URL (along with the port number if needed).

      2. Click the Open alias URL in a new window link just below the text field, to test if the alias URL works.

    • Configure URL Redirection on Logout

      You can provide URL redirection when the support rep and contact logout of SupportCenter Plus application. Specify the URL redirection beside the fields
      Redirect Support Representatives upon logout to this URL and Redirect Contacts upon logout to this URL. To redirect the customers to the customer portal, type the URL provided below in the address bar of the browser,

      http://<server name>:<port number>/portal


      http://<server name>:<port number>/sd/

    Click Save, to save the changes made in the settings.


    End of doc


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