Contacts based on Filters
You can view Contacts based on filters from the Contacts list view page. In addition, you can also create new filters using the Custom View option to place Contacts in specific groups. There are some pre defined filters in SupportCenter Plus as shown,
All Contacts
Lists all the Contacts available in SupportCenter Plus
Recently Added Contacts
Lists the most recently added Contacts.
Contacts without Account
Lists all the Contacts that are not associated to an account.
Primary Contacts
Lists all the contacts that are associated to an account and can view all the requests raised from their accounts.
Unapproved Contacts
Lists all the contacts that require approval from the administrator. For instance, if a non logged in user raised a request from the self service portal, then the user is added as an unapproved contact.
Registered Contacts
New Users who have registered for SupportCenter Plus through the Customer portal are listed under this category. These contacts need to be approved by the administrator.