SupportCenter Plus

    Unapproved Contacts

    Contacts added or imported by the administrator are approved contacts, by default. These contacts are provided with customer portal login details and their requests are tracked periodically. Apart from these contacts, there are users who send request to SupportCenter Plus whose contact information is unavailable in the database. These contacts are added under Unapproved Contact list in the application and are indication by the unapproved unapproved-contact-icon icon.


    These requests are logged into the application based on the options selected under Contact auto - addition configuration under Admin tab -> Settings.


    Approving Unapproved Contacts

    1. Click on the Contacts tab in the header pane to open the contact list view page.

    2. Click on Unapproved Contacts link under Views.

    3. From the Unapproved Contact list view, select the contacts to be approved by enabling the check box.

    4. To approve the contact select Approve option from the Approve Actions drop down.

    5. To approve the contacts and also provide customer portal login permission, select Approve & provide login option. The selected contacts are listed under All contacts.

    6. You can remove unapproved contacts by cliking on Delete button.


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