Installing .PFX Certificate
.PFX is an extension for security certificate. It defines a file format that stores private keys (generated by your server at the time the CSR was generated) and public key certificate (your SSL Certificate provided by the CA) in a single encrypted file.
To install a certificate with the extension .PFX,
Stop ManageEngine SupportCenter Plus service.
Copy the .pfx file to the location C:\ManageEngine\SupportCenter\server\default\conf (where C: is the dsrive in which SupportCenter Plus is installed)
Change the web server port to 443 to run SupportCenter Plus on secure mode. To change the web server port, open the command prompt and go to [SupportCenter Plus Home]\bin. Enter the command as given below,
[SupportCenter Plus Home]\bin> changewebserverport.bat 443 https
Go to the location [SupportCenter Plus Home]\server\default\deploy\jbossweb-tomcat50.sar and open the file 'server.xml' in a word pad.
Locate the below entries in the file.
<!-- SSL/TLS Connector configuration using the admin devl guide keystore
<Connector port="8443" address="${jboss.bind.address}"
maxThreads="100" minSpareThreads="5" maxSpareThreads="15"
scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false"
keystorePass="scpsecured" sslProtocol = "TLS" />
Please replace the file name scp.keystore with the pfx file name (name.pfx) and enter the keystoreType="pkcs12" after the file name. Also replace the 'scpsecured' with the password for the .pfx file.
The entries should look like this,
<!-- SSL/TLS Connector configuration using the admin devl guide keystore
<Connector port="8443" address="${jboss.bind.address}"
maxThreads="100" minSpareThreads="5" maxSpareThreads="15"
scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false"
keystoreFile="${jboss.server.home.dir}/conf/name.pfx" keystoreType="pkcs12" keystorePass="your password" sslProtocol = "TLS" />
Restart ManageEngine SupportCenter Plus service.