How to check if Remote Access Plus has been excluded from Antivirus or not?

Remote Access Plus and its dependent folders need to be excluded from the Anti-virus to ensure hassle free functioning. Anti-Virus might restrict the Remote Access Plus server from upgrading server or agent to latest version.

Follow the simple steps to check if Remote Access Plus folder has been excluded from Anti-virus:

Note - While running the test, it is recommended to ignore pop-ups from the Anti-virus software. Pop-ups appear because the test will stimulate the Anti-virus software using the EICAR test file. The EICAR Standard Anti-Virus Test File is developed by the European Institute for Computer Anti-virus Research (EICAR) to test the response of computer Anti-virus programs. For more details, click here.

  1. Click this link to download the zip file and extract it in the folder location ManageEngine\UEMS_Server\bin\.
  2. Double click to run the Antivirus-Checker.bat file.
  3. Ignore pop-ups from the Anti-virus software, that appear while running the test.
  4. At the end of the test, you can view either of the two possible results on your window i.e. Antivirus has been excluded or Antivirus has not been excluded.
  5. After running the test, go to Remote Access Plus home page and select 'Update Test Result' button in the message box.

Ensure Remote Access Plus folders are excluded from anti-virus to experience uninterrupted service while remotely troubleshooting your network computers.