
The status of a configuration is always 'In progress'.


When a configuration moves to the In Progress status, it means that the configuration is applied in at least one of the target computers or users. The status will change to Executed only when the configuration is applied in all the target computers or users. When the status of the configuration remains at In Progress, it means that the configuration is not applied to atleast one of the target computers or users. This may happen in the following cases:

Configuration is linked to a workgroup

If you have linked a user configuration to a workgroup, the status will always remain as In Progress. This is because, the details of users in that workgroup cannot be accessed remotely. Therefore, the RMM Central server will not receive information whether the configuration is applied to all the users or not.

Version of the agent not up-to-date

If automatic agent upgradation is not successful in all computers, the status of the configuration will remain In Progress. Check the version of the agent of the computer, where the configuration is not applied, from the Computers tab under Scope of Management  in the Agent page. Compare it with the latest version of the agent, which you can view on the Summary page in the Agent tab of the Web console of RMM Central. Both the versions should be the same. If the versions are different, you must upgrade the agent to the latest version.

Agent has not picked up the configuration yet

The agents' last contact time should be after the configuration created time. For computer configurations, you can verify the agents last contact time and the configuration created time by clicking the status link of the corresponding configuration. For User Configurations, you need to verify the agents' last contact time from the SoM page under the Agent tab.

If the Target has any dummy computer objects

If you have linked the configuration to a OU or a domain, check whether the OU/domain has any dummy computer objects. These computers will never receive the configuration causing the status to remain in "In Progress" state.

Absence of RMM Central Agent in Client machines

RMM Central agent may not have been installed in all the computers within the defined scope. To verify this, view the Agent Installation Summary by clicking Admin --> Scope of Management link.

Deploying the configuration to a remote office when the user belongs to a local office

If you deploy a configuration to a remote office when the user belongs to another remote office, the configuration status will remain In Progress.


Detect and remediate the issues as follows:

Linking a configuration to a workgroup

This can never be resolved. If you need accurate configuration status, it is recommended to create a custom group with the required users. You can then associate a configuration to this custom group. This way you can make RMM Central know the exact users in the defined target. When the configuration gets applied to all these users, the status gets automatically updated.

Agent Version is not up-to-date

If the agent version is not up-to-date, you need to uninstall and reinstall the agent. If the computer is in the LAN, you can uninstall and re-install the agent from SoM page under the Agent tab. For computers at remote locations, this has to be done manually.

Agent has not picked the configuration yet

If the agent last contact time is before the configuration applied time, you need to wait for at least 90 minutes from the time of deploying the configuration.

Alternatively, you can apply the configurations immediately as below:

If RMM Central Agent Tray icon is enabled then, right click on the icon and select Apply user/computer configurations.

To apply the configurations immediately, execute the "C:\Program Files\ManagementCentral_Agent\bin\cfgupdate" command in the client computers as below:

  • For applying the user configurations: cfgupdate user
  • For applying computer configurations: cfgupdate computer

If the target has any dummy computer objects

You need to cleanup your active directory to remove the dummy or unused computer objects. Alternatively, you can create a custom group of computers in RMM Central and associate the custom group to configurations.

RMM Central agent is not installed in client machines

Verify from the SoM page under UEM tab of RMM Central Server, whether the Agent is installed on the client machine. Install Agent on client computer if not found.

Deploying the configuration to a remote office when the user belongs to a local office

You should deploy the configuration to the correct remote office or to a specific domain.

Applies to: Desktop Configuration, Desktop Configuration Status, Ready-to-execute state, Configuration Collection

Keywords: Desktop Configuration Status, Unchanged Status for Configuration, User Configuration settings, Computer Configuration settings, Windows Desktop Configuration