Network Packet Sensor Prerequisites

    Before setting up Network Packet Sensor in your enterprise, ensure that the following are taken care of.

    1. Ensure NetFlow Analyzer is running in HTTPs mode. Network Packet Sensor only works if NetFlow Analyzer is running in HTTPs mode.
    2. Network Packet Sensor requires
      • Npcap has to be installed in WinPcap API-compatible mode for Windows installations.
      • Libpcap 1.1 or above to be installed for Linux installations.
    3. Network Packet Sensor is available from NetFlow Analyzer Build 125647 and above.
    4. For Network Packet Sensor to be installed
      • As NetFlow Generator: A minimum of 4GB of RAM and 5GB of disk space is recommended to generate flows at the rate of 2000 flows/second.
      • As Deep Packet Inspection Engine: A minimum of 4GB of RAM and 5GB of disk space is recommended.
      • As both NetFlow Generator and Deep Packet Inspection Engine: A minimum of 8GB of RAM and 10GB of disk space is recommended.
      • As NetSpeed Tacker: An internet connection is required to be able to install and use NetSpeed Tacker.
    5. HighPerf(CStore) database has to be enabled in NetFlow Analyzer to install Network Packet Sensor as Deep Packet Inspection Engine or enable Deep Packet Inspection in Network Packet Sensor.
    6. By default, only 10 DPI Engine installations can be linked to a NetFlow Analyzer server. This number is configurable.

    Click here to learn more about the prerequisites for HighPerf(CStore).