Audit Logs


Audit Logs are documents that record changes or actions occurring in a system. Applications Manager lets you view Audit Log information, where you can keep track of all the events occurring in your account, and aids you to identify the changes made in your profile within specified periods of time. It documents the list of actions performed by the user along with the timestamps.

How to view Audit Logs

  1. Login into your Applications Manager account.
  2. Go to Settings tab and click on Audit Logs.
  3. Here you can view the list of all the past actions that have been done in your account, segregated based on the type of action occurred, the name of the user along with its Hostname/IP address and the log message description for that action along with its timestamp.
  4. Also, you can filter audit logs based on the required action type and time range of your choice. This can be done by
    • Selecting the required list of actions and the required user names from the respective drop-downs
    • Entering the number of days within which the logs have been recorded
    • Click on the Filter button.
  5. Furthermore, "Probe Server" dropdown in Enterprise Central Server, will help you to view logs for operations performed in the particular server. User name dropdown will be disabled upon selecting any Probe Server from the dropdown.

Displayed Parameters

Action Type The type of action performed by the user. 
User Name The name of the user who triggered the action.
Host Name / IP Address The host name / IP address of the user that issued the action.
Description Displays the log message generated after executing that action.
Managed Server Display logs for operations performed in the particular server. Applicable only in Enterprise Central Server.
Date and Time The date and time of that action performed.
Note: Additionally, you can generate reports in various formats like pdf, csv, xls, etc. by clicking on their respective icons available at the top right side of the audit log table. 

Operations audited

Following are the list of operations that are audited under Audit Logs in Applications Manager:

  • User Administration and Management
  • REST API Key regeneration
  • Actions related to monitoring and management of resources from Applications Manager such as Start, Stop, Reboot actions of Virtual Machines as well as Cloud resources management
  • Certificate upload and management
  • Configuring third party Add-ons
  • OAuth Configuration for third party application monitoring and integration
  • Configuring Actions from Applications Manager such as Email, SMS as well as Execute Programs
  • File upload to Applications Manager
  • MS SQL Management from Applications Manager
  • Alarm template configuration changes
  • Stop/Restart of Applications Manager from GUI
  • RUM page views limit
  • Management of probe registration key regeneration and authentication keys in Enterprise Edition communication
  • Downtime scheduler operations

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