Vulnerability Manager Plus - Hotfix 2300.27 | Build Version: 11.2.2300.27

Bug Fixes
  1. Issues with previously patched vulnerabilities being displayed in the Software Vulnerabilities view have now been fixed.
  2. An insufficient path validation issue has been fixed.

Vulnerability Manager Plus - Hotfix 2300.24  | Build Version: 11.2.2300.24

Bug Fixes

  1. Issue in activating two-factor authentication under specific cases has been fixed.
  2. Issues with deployment notifications in macOS systems have now been fixed.
  3. Issue in enforcing privilege restrictions for Asset Explorer users has been fixed.

Vulnerability Manager Plus - Hotfix 2300.16  | Build Version: 11.2.2300.16


  1. Deployments will now be automatically re-initiated once missed patches are uploaded.

Bug Fixes

  1. Minor UI fixes while uploading patches have been made.
  2. Issues with APD email notifications have been fixed.
  3. Linux patch deployment issues in certain cases have been resolved.

Vulnerability Manager Plus - Hotfix 2300.9 | Build Version: 11.2.2300.9

Bug Fixes
  1. Issue in performing user modification operation has been fixed.

Vulnerability Manager Plus - Hotfix 2300.8 | Build Version: 11.2.2300.8

Bug Fixes
  1. Communication between agent and Notification Server has now been optimized.

Vulnerability Manager Plus - Hotfix 2300.7 | Build Version: 11.2.2300.7

Bug Fixes
  1. Minor security enhancement in displaying login banners.
  2. Issues with server update for specific builds have now been fixed.
  3. Issues with updates pertaining to patch approval actions not being displayed on action log viewer have been fixed.

Vulnerability Manager Plus - Hotfix 2300.06 | Build Version: 11.2.2300.06

Bug Fixes
  1. Minor issue fixes and enhancements have been made.

Vulnerability Manager Plus - Hotfix 2300.05 | Build Version: 11.2.2300.05

  1. Patches can now be pushed to the Self Service Portal on Windows and Linux machines.
  2. You can now integrate Vulnerability Manager Plus with ServiceDesk Plus!
  1. PostgreSQL database version is upgraded from 10.17 to 10.23.
  2. Configuring SAML authentication with ADFS IdP has been enhanced.
Bug Fixes
  1. Executing query reports has been enhanced.
  2. Issue in accessing the Self Service Portal under specific scenario has been fixed.
  3. Issue in Linux agent installation/upgrade under specific cases has been fixed.
  4. File permission issue in Linux agent has been fixed.
  5. An SQL injection vulnerability that could be exploited only by an authenticated adversary has been fixed. (CVE-2022-47523)
  6. Page loading issues under User Administration for specific cases has been fixed.
  7. Configuring two-factor authentication has been enhanced.

Click here to view the readme details of builds prior to 11.2.2300.5