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ManageEngine solutions?

You might be pleasantly surprised by some of our comprehensive features that often go unnoticed.

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On completing each quiz, you get a certificate with your score and the title you've achieved in that specific product quiz, and you also gain access to a bunch of valuable ManageEngine guides and ebooks.

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What customers say about us

  • CAMH will be able to save close to $26,000 a year on service desk calls related to Active Directory password resets and locked accounts, and will see a return on investment within the first six months of product implementation.

    Judy OlivierProject Manager, CAMH

  • This tool helps me be in command of the technical environment in my Active Directory network. It is easier to find logs and manage more effectively. The cost for the many features got our attention.

    Diego PontesTecnisa SATecnisa SA

  • Just about the best piece of security software that would put a smile on any security administrator

    Jacinto GodinhoAdministrator: Quality Assurance and IT Security, Al-Ahli Bank of Kuwait