ManageEngine Analytics Plus API Docs
Class PermissionInfo

  extended by

public class PermissionInfo
extends java.lang.Object

PermissionInfo contains the complete information of each permission entry

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getFilterCriteria()
          This method is used to get the filter criteria associated to this PermissionInfo.
 java.lang.String getSharedBy()
          This method is used to get the email address of the user who shared the View.
 java.lang.String getViewName()
          This method is used to get the name of the View that is shared.
 java.lang.Boolean hasAddRowPermission()
          This method is used to find whether this permission entry has ADDROW permission.
 java.lang.Boolean hasAppendImportPermission()
          This method is used to find whether this permission entry has APPENDIMPORT permission.
 java.lang.Boolean hasDeleteAllRowsPermission()
          This method is used to find whether this permission entry has DELETEALLROWS permission.
 java.lang.Boolean hasDeleteRowPermission()
          This method is used to find whether this permission entry has DELETEROW permission.
 java.lang.Boolean hasDeleteUpdateAddImportPermission()
          This method is used to find whether this permission entry has DELETEUPDATEADDIMPORT permission.
 java.lang.Boolean hasExportPermission()
          This method is used to find whether this permission entry has EXPORT permission.
 java.lang.Boolean hasReadPermission()
          This method is used to find whether this permission entry has READ permission.
 java.lang.Boolean hasSharePermission()
          This method is used to find whether this permission entry has SHARE permission.
 java.lang.Boolean hasTruncateImportPermission()
          This method is used to find whether this permission entry has TRUNCATEIMPORT permission.
 java.lang.Boolean hasUpdateImportPermission()
          This method is used to find whether this permission entry has UPDATEIMPORT permission.
 java.lang.Boolean hasUpdateRowPermission()
          This method is used to find whether this permission entry has UPDATEROW permission.
 java.lang.Boolean hasVUDPermission()
          This method is used to find whether this permission entry has View Underlying Data permission.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getViewName()
This method is used to get the name of the View that is shared.

A String value holds the name of the view.


public java.lang.String getSharedBy()
This method is used to get the email address of the user who shared the View.

A String value holds the email address of the user who shared the view.


public java.lang.String getFilterCriteria()
This method is used to get the filter criteria associated to this PermissionInfo.

A String value holds the filter criteria.


public java.lang.Boolean hasReadPermission()
This method is used to find whether this permission entry has READ permission.

A Boolean value holds whether the READ operation is allowed or not.


public java.lang.Boolean hasExportPermission()
This method is used to find whether this permission entry has EXPORT permission.

A Boolean value holds whether EXPORT operation is allowed or not.


public java.lang.Boolean hasVUDPermission()
This method is used to find whether this permission entry has View Underlying Data permission.

A Boolean value holds whether View Underlying Data operation is allowed or not.


public java.lang.Boolean hasAddRowPermission()
This method is used to find whether this permission entry has ADDROW permission.

A Boolean value holds whether the ADDROW operation is allowed or not.


public java.lang.Boolean hasUpdateRowPermission()
This method is used to find whether this permission entry has UPDATEROW permission.

A Boolean value holds whether the UPDATEROW operation is allowed or not.


public java.lang.Boolean hasDeleteRowPermission()
This method is used to find whether this permission entry has DELETEROW permission.

A Boolean value holds whether the DELETEROW operation is allowed or not.


public java.lang.Boolean hasDeleteAllRowsPermission()
This method is used to find whether this permission entry has DELETEALLROWS permission.

A Boolean value holds whether the DELETE ALL ROWS operation is allowed or not.


public java.lang.Boolean hasAppendImportPermission()
This method is used to find whether this permission entry has APPENDIMPORT permission.

A Boolean value holds whether the APPEND IMPORT operation is allowed or not.


public java.lang.Boolean hasUpdateImportPermission()
This method is used to find whether this permission entry has UPDATEIMPORT permission.

A Boolean value holds whether the UPDATE IMPORT operation is allowed or not.


public java.lang.Boolean hasTruncateImportPermission()
This method is used to find whether this permission entry has TRUNCATEIMPORT permission.

A Boolean value holds whether the TRUNCATE IMPORT operation is allowed or not.


public java.lang.Boolean hasDeleteUpdateAddImportPermission()
This method is used to find whether this permission entry has DELETEUPDATEADDIMPORT permission.

A Boolean value holds whether the DELETEUPDATEADD IMPORT operation is allowed or not.


public java.lang.Boolean hasSharePermission()
This method is used to find whether this permission entry has SHARE permission.

A Boolean value holds whether the SHARE permission operation is allowed or not.

ManageEngine Analytics Plus API Docs

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