Understand HTML snippets

Understand HTML snippet

Snippets are stand-alone, re-usable code pieces that can add additional functionality.  An HTML snippet is a small portion of source code in HTML. They can be used to build different elements (like a list view, different styled buttons, text display, customized search bar and so on).

Adding an HTML snippet to your page

  1. Edit your app.
  2. Navigate to the Design tab and open the page builder.
  3. In the page builder, click Snippets on the left, then drag and drop the HTML Snippet on to the required position on your page. The HTML Snippet editor will appear.

  4. Add the required HTML code. Below image shows a reference code to filter and display record details using record ID in the HTML snippet.

  5. Click Save and close the editor.
  6. Access your live page and the respective snippet will be displayed.

Mobile-specific parameters

The HTML snippet allows you to embed forms and reports in it via the <div> and <iframe> tags. By their nature, these tags optimize your end user's web browser experience of the target component. Also,

Parameter and valueApplicable toPurpose
zc_MobileViewTitle=falseForms and ReportsTo hide the component's title in the page
zc_MobileViewHeaderMenu=falseto checkTo hide the component's header menu
zc_MobileViewFooterMenu=falseReportsTo hide the footer
zc_MobileViewSearch=trueReportsTo show the report's search button
zc_MobileViewGroup=trueReportsTo show the report's grouping button
zc_MobileViewSort=trueReportsTo display the sorted report
zc_MobileViewAddRec=trueReportsTo show the Add Record button
zc_MobileViewDelBulkRec=trueReportsTo show the Delete Bulk Record button
zc_MobileViewDuplBulkRec=trueReportsTo show the Duplicate Bulk Record button
zc_MobileViewEditBulkRec=trueReportsTo show the Edit Bulk Record button
zc_MobileViewExport=trueReportsTo show the Export button
zc_MobileViewAutoFilter=true/falseReportsTo show/hide autofilter option in report (if configured)
zc_MobileViewCustomFilter=true/falseReportsTo show/hide custom filter option in report (if configured)
zc_MobileViewRecCount=true/falseReportsTo show/hide total records count in report

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