Understand date/time field

Understand date/time field properties

The date, time, and, date-time field values are displayed as per the date and time format set in your app's settings. These values can be customized at the report-level as shown below:

For the date and date-time fields

You can customize the display option of the date and date-time field values in reports as follows:

Display optionDate fieldDate-Time Field
Full date05-Feb-201817-Mar-2018 15:46:32
Day of Month517
Week DayMondaySaturday
Month & YearFebruary & 2018March & 2018
Date only                  -03-Apr-2018
Time only                  - 14:32:58

For the time and date-time fields

You can choose to hide the seconds part of the time and date-time fields in reports. This is defined by the show seconds field property.

Show seconds field propertyDate-time FieldTime Field
Enabled17-Mar-2018 15:46:3218:35:10
Disabled17-Mar-2018 12:4510:10

 Below is an example of a date-time field in a list report that doesn't show seconds:

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