How to generate HAR file and console log when facing console issues?
When you are facing issues with MDM web console, you might be required to generate HAR (HTTP Archive) files which will help in identifying performance issues such as slow loading time and page rendering problems. Collect and upload the HAR log from the machine using which you are trying to connect to web console, for analyzing browser console logs and resolving the UI issues.
Note: HAR file may contain sensitive data such as
- Content of the pages you downloaded while the session is being recorded.
- Your cookies which can contain your personally identifiable information.
- All the information that you submitted while recording such as personal details, passwords, credit card numbers, etc.
The following are the steps involved in uploading console logs
Generating HAR file
Follow the steps given below to generate HAR file for different browsers.
To generate the HAR file for Chrome
- Open Google Chrome and go to MDM web console -> log in to the MDM web console.
- From the Chrome menu bar, click Customise and control Google Chrome (vertical ellipsis) -> More Tools -> Developer tools.
- Select Network tab from the top pane.
- Ensure the record button is red
If it is grey, click it once to start recording network log.
- Check the box Preserve log.
- Click the Clear button
to clear the console entries.
- Reproduce the issue while the network requests are being recorded.
- Once you have reproduced the issue, right-click anywhere on the activity pane, select Save all as HAR with content. And save the file to your computer.
- Open Firefox and go to MDM console -> log in to the MDM web console.
- Select the Firefox menu (hamburger icon) at the top-right corner of your browser window, select Web Developer -> Network.
- The Developer Network Tools opens as a docked panel at the side or bottom of Firefox. Click the Network tab.
- The recording starts automatically when you start performing actions in the browser.
- Reproduce the issue while the network requests are being recorded.
- In the Developer Network panel, right-click anywhere under the File column and click on Save all as HAR and save the file to your computer.
Internet Explorer
- Open Internet Explorer and go to MDM web console -> log in to the MDM web console.
- Press F12 on your keyboard or click the gear icon -> F12 Developer Tools.
- Click the Network tab.
- Reproduce the issue, while the network requests are being recorded.
- Once you have recorded the issue, click Save. Ensure the file is saved as a .har file or .xml file
Microsoft Edge
- Open Edge browser and go to MDM web console -> log in to the MDM web console.
- From the menu bar, click Settings and more (horizontal ellipsis) -> More Tools -> Developer tools.
- Select Network tab from the top pane.
- Edge natively produces HAR files. Ensure the record button is red and the session is being recorded. If it is grey, click on Start profiling session.
- Reproduce the issue.
- Once you have reproduced the issue, click Export as HAR or Ctrl+S. And save the file to your computer.
- Click Develop menu in the menu bar and select Show Web Inspector. If you cannot see the Develop menu, click Safari -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Show Develop menu in menu bar.
- Click the Network tab.
- Reproduce the issue.
- Click Download at the top pane and save the file as .webarchive file.
Saving the Console logs
Follow the steps given below to save console logs using different browsers.
Saving console logs in Chrome
- Right-click anywhere on a page and click Inspect -> Console.
- Click Settings. Under Preferences enable the following check boxes:
- Log XML HTTP Requests
- Show timestamps
- Preserve log upon navigation
- Reload the page so that the log entries are filled.
- Right click -> Save as (notepad text file / .log file).
Saving console logs in Firefox
- Right click on a page and click Inspect -> Console.
- Click Settings. Ensure that Persist Logs and Enable timestamps checkbox is enabled.
- Reload the page so that the log entries are filled.
- Right click -> Select File -> Copy -> Paste as a text file.
Saving console logs in Internet Explorer:
- Press the F12 key to open the Developer Tools Window.
- In the Console tab, enable debug logging by executing the command AgentSDK.EnableIE11DebugLogging(true)
- Reload the page so that the log entries are filled.
- In the Console Tab, right-click and select Copy All and paste the content into a text file.
- Disable debug logging by executing the command AgentSDK.EnableIE11DebugLogging(false)
Note: It is recommended to turn debug logging off after testing, as leaving it on for a long period can cause IE to crash.
Saving console logs in Microsoft Edge
- Right-click anywhere on a page and click Inspect -> Console.
- Enable the Preserve log check box.
- Reload the page so that the log entries are filled.
- Right click -> Select File -> Copy -> Paste as a text file.
Saving console logs in Safari
- Right click on a page and click Inspect Element.
- Select Console. Click Settings and ensure Preserve Log checkbox is enabled.
- Select All and reload the page so that the log entries are filled.
- Click on any entry in the Console log, copy everything and paste the content into a text file.
Sending the HAR logs to MDM Support
Follow the steps given below to upload the HAR logs to the Mobile Device Manager Plus Support.