Invalid Enrollment Invite!
The error "Invalid Enrollment Invite!" occurs when attempting to enroll a device using an enrollment URL that is no longer valid or has already been used for enrollment.

- Enrollment URL Already Used: The enrollment URL provided may have already been used to enroll a device previously. Enrollment URLs are typically valid for single-use only.
- Deleted Enrollment Invite: If the enrollment invite associated with the URL has been deleted from the server or marked as expired, attempts to use it for enrollment will result in an invalid invite error.
To resolve the "Invalid Enrollment Invite!" error, follow these steps:
- Request a New Enrollment Invite:
- Contact your MDM administrator or IT support to request a new enrollment invite for your device.
- The administrator can generate a fresh enrollment URL or invite that is valid for enrollment.
- Use the New Enrollment Invite:
- Once you receive the new enrollment invite or URL from the administrator, use it to initiate the device enrollment process.
- Ensure that the new invite or URL has not been used previously and is still valid.
- Complete Device Enrollment:
- Follow the enrollment steps provided with the new invite or URL to complete the device enrollment successfully.
- This involves downloading and installing the MDM profile or app associated with the enrollment process on your device.
If the problem still persists, contact (MDM On-Premises) or (MDM Cloud)