How to create a Data Rule to identify sensitive data?

Data Rule has criteria/set of criteria that could spot sensitivity in data and defining a rule that classifies data as sensitive is the foremost step in achieving data security.

Data Rule is a gateway to adhere to compliance standards like HIPAA, PCI DSS, and GDPR using predefined criteria that encompass relevant criteria. You can also create your organization-specific Data Rule by leveraging custom criteria per your organizations' requirements.

Data rules are created by following the steps explained below

  • Step 1

    On the product console, navigate to the Data Classification section in the Policy tab and select New Data Rules.

  • Step 2

    Enter a name for the Data Rule and provide a description.

  • Step 3

    Create a Data Rule using predefined criteria The predefined criteria are listed under the field All, and can be searched in the field next to it.

  • Step 4

    A country-wise Filter can also be selected, listing criteria that are specific only to the relevant/apposite countries for a refined search.

  • Step 5

    Once appropriate criteria are selected, Save the Data Rule.

  • Step 6

    Create a Data Rule using custom criteria Select the Create Custom Rule option and choose from Regex patterns, Keyword Matching, Document Matching, and File Extensions.

  • Step 7

    In the Regex patterns, enter the Rule Name, Regex Patterns, and the Number of times the Regex pattern occurs.
    Note: More than one Regex pattern can be included by adding the entries.

  • Step 8

    In the Keyword Matching, enter the Rule Name, CSV/TXT file to be uploaded, and Minimum Word Match Count.

  • Step 9

    In the Document Matching, enter the Rule Name, DOC/DOCX/PDF/TXT files to be uploaded, and Match Percentage.

  • Step 10

    In the File Extensions, enter the Rule Name, and Add extensions.

  • Step 11

    Once criteria are selected, Save the rule to associate with a policy.