Use-Cases for 'User Modification Template'

    These use-cases will help the reader in becoming familiar with the features and options in 'User Modification Templates'. These use-cases will also help the reader in knowing how to customize the modification templates and assign different templates to different technicians, as per the requirement.

    Scenario 1: Scenario 2

    Allow Help Desk Technicians to modify user accounts using 'User Modification Templates' while also enforcing the following conditions:

    • Help Desk Technician-1 should have 'First Name' as a mandatory field while Help Desk-2 should have 'Employee Id' as a mandatory field for modifying User accounts.
    • Only specific fields (all 'Terminal Service' fields and 'Manager' field should be hidden) should be visible to the Help Desk Technicians while modifying the User accounts.
    • Without Help Desk Technician's interference or knowledge, the specified fields (for example, Manager) have to be modified / updated in the background, automatically.


    Create two different user modification templates.
    1. In template-1, set 'First Name' as the mandatory field and in template-2, set 'Employee Id' as the mandatory field.

    2. In both the templates, hide the 'Terminal' tab and also the 'Manager' field using the 'Make Silently Active' option.

    3. Using 'modification rule', set a rule to update the 'Manager' field, based on 'Department'.

    4. Assign Template-1 to Help Desk Technician-1 and Template-2 to Help Desk Technician-2 respectively.


    To create a new 'User Modification Template', as required

    1. Click on 'AD Mgmt' --> 'User Management'

    2. Under 'User Templates', click on 'User Modification Templates'

    3. In the 'User Modification Templates' page, click on 'Create New Template'.

    4. Enter a name and description for the template. For this illustration, let us name this template as 'First Name Mandatory'.

    5. Select the domain in which this template will be used.

    6. To make 'First Name' mandatory,

      1. In the 'Layout View' click on 'Enable Drag-n-Drop' button.
      2. Click on 'General' Tab.
      3. Place the mouse over the 'First Name' field and then on the edit icon that appears beside the field name.
      4. From the options listed, click on 'Edit'.
      5. In the 'Editing First Name' window that pops up, under 'Security', select 'Mandatory' and click on 'Done'.

    7. To hide 'Terminal Services' and 'Manager' fields,

      1. Click on 'Contact' tab
      2. Place the mouse over the 'Manager' field and then the edit icon that appears beside the field name.
      3. From the options listed, click on 'Make Silently Active'.
      4. Click on 'Terminal' Tab and then click on the 'Make Silently Active' icon that is displayed on the right side, beside the tab name.

    8. To set a rule for updating the 'Manager' field based on the department,

      1. Click on 'Modification Rule' --> 'Create New Rule' button.
      2. Click on 'Rule 1' and rename this rule as 'Manager 1'.
      3. In 'Conditions' pane, click on 'Add Conditions'.
      4. In the 'select field' drop-down box, select 'Department' --> in condition, select 'is'.
      5. Specify or select the required value, to be checked, in the next text box. In this case, enter 'Sales'.
      6. In 'Assign Values' pane, in the 'Set' option, select 'Manager' field and select 'Manager 1' in the 'to' field.
      7. Click 'Add' to add the 'Manager' field to 'Field List'
      8. Click on 'Add Rule' button located on the top right corner of the 'Modification Rules' pane to add another rule.
      9. Click on 'Rule 2' and rename it as 'Manager 2'.
      10. As in 'Manager 1' rule, specify 'Finance' for department and assign 'Manager 2' as the value for 'manager' field in 'Assign Values'.
      11. Add as many 'Rules' as needed to check for all the possible options in 'Department' and assign the corresponding value to the 'Manager' field.

    9. Click on 'Save Template' to save the 'First Name Mandatory' template.

    10. Similarly, create another template - 'Employee Id Mandatory' and set the 'Employee Id', in the 'General' tab, as a mandatory field.

    11. Create a new 'User Modification Role' in 'Delegation' --> 'Help Desk Roles'.

    12. In 'Delegation' --> 'Help Desk Technicians', create or select 'Help Desk Technician-1' from the available help desk technicians.

    13. Assign the 'User Modification Role' and then the 'First Name Mandatory' template to this technician. Similarly, assign 'Employee Id Mandatory' template to 'Help Desk Technician-2'.

    Now, when 'Help Desk Technician-1' modifies a user account using the 'First Name Mandatory' template, the 'First Name' field will be a mandatory one. Similarly, for 'Help Desk Technician-2', the 'Employee Id' field will be a mandatory one.

    Also, based on the value that the technicians specify for 'Department', the 'Manager' field will also be updated, automatically, without being visible to the Help Desk Technicians.

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    Scenario 2: Scenario 1

  • When a user account is modified by a 'Help Desk Technician', the 'manager' field of this user account should be automatically populated, based on the value of the 'city' field.
  • Also, based on the value being entered for the 'State', the 'Company' field should also be updated automatically.
  • Procedure:

    Create a new 'User Modification Template'. In this template,
    • Using the 'Modification Rules' section, add a rule which assigns the appropriate manager to the 'Manager' field based on the 'City'.
    • Also, add a condition in each rule to check for the value in 'State' as well and assign an appropriate value to the 'Company' field.
    • Assign this template to the help desk technician who will be modifying user accounts.


    1. Click on 'AD Mgmt' --> 'User Management'

    2. Under 'User Templates', click on 'User Modification Templates'

    3. In the 'User Modification Templates' page, click on 'Create New Template' link

    4. Specify a name and suitable description for this template. For this illustration, let us name this template as 'Rule based Manager and Company Update'.

    5. Select the domain in which this template will be used.

    6. To create a rule to assign values to the 'Manager', 'Company' fields as per the values in 'City', 'State/Province' fields,

      1. Click on 'Modification Rules' --> 'Create New Rule'.
      2. Rename 'Rule 1' as 'Manager 1' by clicking on Rule 1.
      3. In 'Conditions' pane, click on 'Add Conditions'
      4. In 'select field' option, select 'City'. Select 'is' as the condition.
      5. In the value box, enter the city name for illustration, let this be 'Albany' and click on '+' to add a new condition.
      6. In the second condition, select 'AND' as the criteria and 'State/Province' in the 'select field' option.
      7. Select 'is' in the condition and specify the state as 'New York'
      8. In the 'Assign Values' section, in the 'set' option, select 'Manager' and in 'to' option, specify 'Manager 1' and click on 'Add' to add 'Manager' to the field list. In the next 'set' option, select 'Company' and specify 'Subsidiary 1' in the 'to' field.
      9. Add another 'Rule' to check for another set of 'City', 'State/Province' values and specify the corresponding 'Manager', 'Company' field values.
      10. Using the steps mentioned above, add as many rules as needed to check for all possible 'City', 'State' options and also specify the corresponding 'Manager', 'Company' values.

    7. Click on 'Save Template' to save the 'Rule Based Company, Manager Update'.

    8. Create a new 'User Modification Role' in 'Delegation' --> 'Help Desk Roles'.

    9. Assign the new 'User Modification Help Desk Role' to the required 'Help Desk Technician'.

    10. Also assign to this Technician, the 'Rule based Manager and Company Update' template.

    Now, when the designated Help Desk Technician modifies any user account with the 'Rule Based Company, Manager Update', the 'Manager' and 'Company' fields will be automatically updated with the required values, as per the 'City' and 'State/Province' fields.

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