Home > ManageEngine Identity360 vs Softerra Adaxes

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Softerra Adaxes

100000+ Technicians trust Identity360 to manage their Windows environment

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Comparing ManageEngine Identity360 with Softerra Adaxes

ManageEngine Identity360 is a cloud-based single sign-on (SSO) solution for enterprises. It provides end users one-click access to all their applications, allows admins to centrally manage access to applications, and helps the IT team gain visibility into application usage and user accesses.

While Softerra Adaxes offers a suite of solutions to administer Active Directory, Exchange, and Office 365 environments, it doesn’t offer an enterprise SSO solution.

Therefore, if you want a secure SSO solution, ManageEngine Identity360 is your best bet.

Key Features of Identity360

  • SSO for enterprise applications

    Provide users one-click, secure access to enterprise applications. Users only have to log in once to access all their applications from an application dashboard.

  • Support for any SAML-based application

    Simplify access and gain greater control over access to internal applications that support the SAML protocol by enabling SSO.

  • Built-in reports for deep insights

    Gain valuable insight into application usage and user accesses. Audit admin activities to keep an eye on changes made to applications and users.

  • Centralized access management

    Enable SSO for applications, add users, and manage who can access which applications from a centralized console.

  • Leverage existing identities

    Authenticate users through their existing identities in Azure Active Directory, G Suite Directory, or even their personal email or social media identity.

  • Built-in directory

    Use the built-in Zoho Directory to store user information; onboard temporary employees and contractors, and provide them secure access to applications.

  • Fully cloud-powered

    Identity360 is entirely cloud-based, which means you don't have to worry about infrastructure costs or maintenance. Choose your subscription plan based on current requirements, and then scale as you grow.

Can the solution be considered value for money?

Component-based pricing model.
Starts at $1 per user, per year.


  • ManageEngine Identity360 is the perfect choice if you're looking to set up SSO. With Identity360, you can embrace cloud applications without worrying about employee password fatigue or decentralized management of application access.
  • Note: This document is for comparative purposes only. All the information mentioned here is based on the readily available information on competitors’ website. The data provided might vary in the actual product.

What customers say about us

  • CAMH will be able to save close to $26,000 a year on service desk calls related to Active Directory password resets and locked accounts, and will see a return on investment within the first six months of product implementation.

    Judy OlivierProject Manager, CAMH



About ManageEngine Identity360

For more information about Identity360, please visit

About ManageEngine Identity360
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