Manage private channels in Microsoft Teams
Private channels can be managed using the Microsoft 365 admin center, PowerShell or the Microsoft Graph API. The Graph API supports management tasks that cannot be performed using the PowerShell or Microsoft 365 admin center. Let's take a look at how to manage private channels as an admin, using the Graph API.
Allow team members to create private channels
Admins can modify the team settings to allow team members to create private channels using the method below.
1 PATCH<team_id>
2 {"memberSettings":
3 {
4 "allowCreatePrivateChannels": true
5 }
6 }
Create a private channel on behalf of a team owner
Admins can create private channels on behalf of a team owner using the Graph API.
1 POST{id}/channels
2 { "membershipType": "Private",
3 "displayName": "Test",
4 "members":[{
5 "@odata.type":"#microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember",
5 "user@odata.bind":"'<user_id>')",
5 "roles":["owner"]
6 }]
Update roles of owners and members in a private channel
If the owner of a private channel has left the organization, as an admin, you can promote a member in the private channel as its owner, using the method given below.
1 PATCH<group_id>/channels/<channel_id>/members/<id>
2 {
3 "@odata.type":
4 "#microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember",
5 "roles": ["owner"]
6 }
How to manage Microsoft Teams efficiently with M365 Manager Plus?
Creating private channels or updating their properties using Microsoft Graph API can be complex, time-consuming and error-prone. It also requires you to have the appropriate permissions to perform these tasks, most of which are admin-level permissions. With M365 Manager Plus, you can create, update and delete channels in bulk by simply importing a CSV file. You can also delegate these tasks to be performed by non-admin users without changing their roles and permissions in the native portal. Create automated workflows in the tool to save time and reduce your workload.
Updating teams and channel properties in bulk using M365 Manager Plus:
- Navigate to the Management tab.
- Go to Microsoft Teams in the left pane.
- Select Team Tasks > update Team
- Select the required Microsoft 365 Tenant from the drop-down box.
- Import the required CSV file.
- Update the team properties.
- Click Apply.

To learn more about managing Microsoft Teams using M365 Manager Plus, click here.