How to prevent ME MDM app from uninstallation?


Unlike Android apps which requires the ME MDM app to be present on the devices for management, iOS leverages the existing MDM capabilities present on the device for management. Though ME MDM app isn't used for management in case of iOS, it a whole lot of other benefits:


Through Enrollment

Devices enrolled via Apple Business Manager(ABM) / Apple School Manager(ASM) formerly known as Apple Device Enrollment Program(DEP). DEP also prevents users from revoking MDM management. Click here to know more about preventing users from revoking management.

Through Profiles

You can also choose to disable apps from being uninstalled through Restrictions, thereby ensuring not only ME MDM app but no other app can be uninstalled from the device as well. In order to configure this restriction, follow the steps below:

  • On the MDM server, click on Device Mgmt and select Profiles from the left pane.
  • Click on Create Profile and select Apple from the dropdown.
  • Select Restrictions from the left menu and select Applications and ensure Deleting Apps is disabled. Click on Save and publish the profile. 
  • Distribute it to groups and devices. Once the profile is successfully associated, device users will not be able to delete apps from the devices.

NOTE: In case you want to uninstall apps, you can choose to blacklist apps using MDM