Tips to Troubleshoot OpManager.

Following are a few tips which may be handy to get over your initial hiccups when using OpManager.

Starting Trouble!


1. Failed to establish connection with Web Server. Gracefully shutting down.

Cause 1

While starting OpManager as 'root' user in Linux platform, the server goes down with the following message "Failed to establish connection  with web server. Gracefully shutting down ..". This is because  OpManager starts its Apache Web Server as 'nobody' user and 'nobody'  group. The Apache Server may not have read and execute permissions to  access the files under <OpManager Home> directory. Hence, the  connection to the Apache Server will not be established and the  OpManager server will gracefully shut down.


 OpManager server starts successfully after performing the above mentioned steps.

Cause 2

  If you are using Linux 8.0/9.0 :

 In Linux 8.0/9.0, a file named is not bundled. In earlier  versions it was bundled. This file is needed by Apache. Without this,  apache does not start in Linux 8.0. This results in the issue you are  facing.


The file has been bundled with the product and is present in the  /lib/backup directory in the latest version of OpManager. Copy it to  the /lib directory and restart OpManager.

This solution has worked for those using Fedora and Madrake Linux too.

If you continue to face the problem, then execute the script  StartWebSvr (this will be a .bat file in Windows installation and .sh  file in Linux installation) in the /apache folder of OpManager installation and send us the output.

 If yours is a Debian Linux, then check if is available  under /usr/lib directory. If not, you can install the stable version  of libgdmg1. Download this package from the url

2. Error Code 500: Error in applying the OpManager 6.0 license over opmanager 5.6 or the version upgraded from 5.0


License issued for OpManager 6.0 fresh installation does not work when you upgrade 5.x version to 6.x


This issue is encountered when you evaluate OpManager 5.6 and subsequently apply the new license for OpManager 6.0. Follow these steps to move the database to the new fresh installation of OpManager 6.0 exe\bin

1. Shut down OpManager. (If OpManager is running as a service, stop the service from Control Panel > Services window)
2. Download upgrade pack from this link,
3. Run the script 'UpdateManager.bat ( for Linux) in the <opmanager-home>/bin folder. This opens the Update Manager tool.
4. Click "Install" and then click "Browse" to select the Upgrade Pack file (the .ppm file that you'd downloaded).
5. Follow the on-screen instructions to apply the Service/Upgrade Pack.
6. Once the upgrade is complete, start OpManager Server.
7. Take the backup of these folders
8. Uninstall OpManager.
9. Download OpManager version 6.0 using this link
10. Move the  folders back to the new installation in the same location.
11. Start OpManager and apply the license.

If you feel this is cumbersome, the simplest solution would be to request OpManager 5.0 license from our license team :-)

3. Can't create tables or not all the tables are created properly' error is displayed during OpManager startup.

The data tables may be corrupted. You can repair the corrupt tables. Run the repairdb.bat under \bin directory. After this, run the ReInitializeOpManager.bat script in the same directory. This will remove all the tables created. Restart OpManager.

4. Error downloading client files from BE


This error occurs when the database tables are corrupted. The corruption can happen due to improper shutdown of OpManager such as during power outages.


The database must be repaired and OpManager needs a restart. Here are the detailed steps:

  1. Stop OpManager Service
  2. Open a command prompt and change directory to /opmanager/bin
  3. Execute RepairDB.bat/sh. This repairs all the corrupt tables.
  4. After it finishes executing, run it once again to ensure all corrupt tables are repaired
  5. Restart OpManager.



1. Devices are no8t discovered


This can happen if the ping requests to device get timed out.


To resolve this, increase the ping timeout in the file /conf/ and try again.

2. Devices are identified by IP addresses and not by host names


If DNS Server address is not set properly in the machine hosting OpManager, the DNS names of the managed devices cannot be obtained from the DNS server.

The other possible reasons could be:


Ensure that the DNS Server is reachable and configure the DNS Server address properly.


1. Some of my Routers are discovered as Desktops or Servers


The devices may not be SNMP enabled or the SNMP agent in the device is not responding to queries from OpManager.


Enable SNMP and rediscover the device. Despite this, if you face issues, troubleshoot as follows:

Similarly, for switches and printers too, enable SNMP in the device and rediscover.

2. How are Servers categorized in OpManager? Some servers are classified under desktops!

Following devices are automatically classified under servers based on response to SNMP/telnet request to the devices:

* Windows 2003 Server
* Windows 2000 Server
* Windows Terminal Server
* Windows NT Server
* Linux Servers
* Solaris Servers

Following devices are classified under desktops:

* Windows 2000 Professional
* Windows XP
* Windows NT Workstation.
* Windows Millinium Home Edition
* Devices not responding to SNMP and Telnet

If any of the servers are classified under desktops, simply import them into servers. Refer to the steps mentioned to check for SNMP.


1. Despite SNMP being enabled on the device, the dial graphs for CPU, Memory, and Disk Utilization are not seen.


SNMP may not be enabled, or the SNMP agent is not responding to requests.


Check the SNMP configurations, rediscover the device and re-add the monitors. Troubleshoot as follows:

The possible reasons for the graphs not appearing are:

2. Telnet/WMI-based resource monitor is not showing any data

Check to see if the monitors are up.

3. WMI Monitors are not working. It always says 'error # access denied'


Login credentials are incorrect.


Follow the steps below:

1.. Verify if you have provided the domain administrator username and password to connect to the device as mentioned in the above tip. If the device is in a domain the user name should be like "domain name\administrator name".

2. If the login credentials as specified in step 1 are correct, then try associating a WMI based monitor ( preferably, a Free/Used Space in MB/GB graph ) to the Exchange Server using the Resource Monitors -> Add Monitor -> WMI based monitor -> Free/Used Disk Space in MB/GB. You should get the list of drives available in the device.

3. If step #2 does not go through, then try enabling the WMI, RPC services on the Windows system and try the same again.

4. This can also happen if the DCOM settings are not configured properly.

You can check the exact error for this when you run a vbs script from the command prompt as in

cmd> cd [OpManagerHome]\conf\application\scripts\
cmd> cscript cpu.vbs [machinename] [domainname]\[username] [password]

5. You can also try configuring the dcom settings as mentioned below:

From the Run Prompt of your Windows 2k Server, type \"dcomcnfg\" and expand the tree under Component Services -> Computers. Click on the My Computer Icon from the Icon bar and select Default Properties. Check the following:

6. If the above 4 steps do not help, try changing the service Log-on details as follows

Alerting and Notification

1. Email notifications are not received


Profile may not be associated to the device, or the mail-server settings may be incorrect


Check if the notification profile is associated to the device

Check if the correct criterion is selected in the profile configuration

Ensure the mail-server settings are configured correctly

2. Error! page is displayed when a profile is selected.


The profile name may contain special characters or a space


You will not be able to delete the profile from the client in such case. So, follow the steps below:

  1. Stop OpManager
  2. Open the file /conf/alert.filters
  3. Remove the <FILTER>...</FILTER> element containing the profile configuration.
  4. Restart OpManager.


For further tips to troubleshoot or find resolutions, dig into our online knowledgebase of write to us at

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