Return On Investment Estimated:

 Size of your IT team

  • Number of IT staff
  • Avg annual spending on an IT staff
  • Annual revenue of your company
  • How much % of revenue relies on IT?
Total annual spending on IT staff
Cost of IT team per work hour [Total annunal spending / (260 working days x 8 hours a day)]

 Deployment time

  • No of devices
  • Total time taken adding monitors, setting thresholds
    and alerts for a device
Total time taken for all the devices
Total cost of deployment

 Alarm troubleshooting

  • Avg no of alarms per day
  • Avg time spent on troubleshooting an alarm
  • % of alarm for which first level of troubleshooting
    can be automated
Saving with automation for 1 year

 Alarm handling

  • Avg no of hours wasted per day working with
    multiple tools for RCA
  • Avg no of alarms per day
  • Avg time spent picking/closing and adding notes
An integrated OpManager UI with keyboard-enabled control reduces alarm picking and closing time and hours wasted in switching between multiple tabs by 50%
Savings with an integrated and productive UI for 1 year

 ROI Estimate output

Revenue loss if IT is down for an hour
ROI with OpManager for 1 year

  •  Size of your IT team
  •  Deployment time
  •  Alarm troubleshooting
  •  Alarm handling
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