Event ID 676 - Authentication Ticket Request Failed
Event ID | 676 |
Category | Account Logon |
Description | Authentication Ticket Request Failed |
When authentication ticket request fails in Active Directory, event ID 676 is logged.
This log data gives the following information:
User Name |
Supplied Realm Name |
Service Name |
Ticket Options |
Failure Code |
Client Address |
Why event ID 676 needs to be monitored?
- Prevention of privilege abuse
- Detection of potential malicious activity
- Operational purposes like getting information on user activity like user attendance, peak logon times, etc.
- Compliance mandates
Pro tip:
ADAudit Plus account logon real-time pre-configured reports help identify miscreant users attempting logon into machines that requires elevated privileges and provide evidence for any action administered by any user. These reports can be advantageously in overcoming account logon audit challenges.
Event 676 applies to the following operating systems:
- Windows Server 2000
- Windows 2003 and XP
Corresponding event ID for 676 in Windows Server 2008 and Vista is 4768
Explore Active Directory auditing and reporting with ADAudit Plus.
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