Event ID 536 – Logon Failure: NetLogon component is not active
Event ID | 536 |
Category | Logon/Logoff |
Type | Failure Audit |
Description | Logon failure – The NetLogon component is not active |
Event 536 is generated when a logon attempt was rejected because the NetLogon service was not running. The NetLogon service is used to authenticate account logons that pass through when a workstation participates in a domain.
This log data provides the following information:
- User Name
- Domain
- Logon Type
- Logon Process
- Authentication Package
- Workstation Name
Additionally, in Windows Server 2003, the following information is also made available:
- Caller User Name
- Caller Domain
- Caller Logon ID
- Caller Process ID
- Transited Services
- Source Network Address
Why does event ID 536 need to be monitored?
- To detect brute-force, dictionary, and other password guess attacks.
- To detect abnormal and possibly malicious internal activity.
- To come up with a benchmark for the account lockout threshold policy.
- To ensure compliance with regulatory mandates.
Pro Tip:
With in-depth reports, real-time alerts, and graphical displays, ADAudit Plus tracks logon failures, helping you meet your security, operational, and compliance needs with absolute ease.
Event 536 applies to the following operating systems:
- Windows Server 2000
- Windows 2003 and XP
Corresponding event ID in Windows 2008 and Windows Vista is 4625.
Explore Active Directory auditing and reporting with ADAudit Plus.
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