Error Handling

API execution could result in error conditions. In case of an error, the error information would be sent in the response body. The response body will have <error> as the child node along with the appropriate error code.

Error Codes

The list of HTTP error codes are tabulated below:

Code Description
4000 Operation Completed Successfully.
4000 Credential added successfully.
4000 Credential updated successfully.
4000 Credential deleted successfully.
4002 The specified resourceid in request URI should be an integer.
4003 The specified resourceid in request URI is wrong.
4004 The specified apikey [ "+apiKey+" ] in the request is invalid. Kindly log in to Applications Manager and check for the key in generate key in Admin tab.
4005 The specified type in request URI is wrong.
4006 The given ResoureID in the URL is wrong or repeated.
4007 The specified monitorname in request URI is wrong.
4008 The specified request URI is incorrect.
4016 The specified method in request URI is incorrect.
4024 The given taskid in the URL is wrong.
4025 The specified taskname in the URL is already exist or empty.
4032 The specified parameter in request URI is incorrect.
4033 The taskName cannot be empty.
4034 The taskName already exists.
4035 The taskStatus should be either enable or disable.
4036 The taskType should be either group or monitor.
4037 Improper resourceid in the request.
4038 The startTime should be of the format (HH:MM).
4039 The endTime should be of the format (HH:MM).
4040 DestinationAddress DestinationPort GlobalTrap are mandatory for v1 trap
4041 The effectFrom should be of the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM .
4042 Task Method should be any one among Daily,Weekly or Once.
4043 The totalNumber should be between 1 to 7 only.
4044 The customTaskStartTime should be of the format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM).
4045 The customTaskEndTime should be a valid date format like (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM).
4046 The startDay,startTime,endDay,endTime for weekly Maintenance are incorrect.
4048 The given taskid in the URL is not an integer.
4049 The monitor is under maintenance. Try pollnow after maintenance.
4050 The monitor cannot be polled when unmanaged.
4055 Mail server is not configured (This error occurs when the user tries to create an E-mail action using REST API without configuring mail server.).
4064 Kindly buy the License to avail the Applications Manager API's.
4071 Smtp Server could not be connected.
4072 Proxy Server is not configured
4073 Proxy configuration failed
4074 Smtp Mail Server Connection Error
4075 Modem is not properly connected.
4076 Smtp host name/port should not be empty
4080 DestinationAddress DestinationPort GlobalTrap are mandatory for v2 trap
4105 Unknown Problem occured while calling a Rest API
4128 Server Error while processing the request.
4201 The pollInterval should be a valid whole number.
4202 The type should not be empty.
4203 The groupID should be a valid whole number.
4204 The WSDLUrl should not be empty.
4205 The field emailid should not be empty.
4206 The username and password mentioned in the request URL should not be empty.
4207 The popHost, smtpUserName and smtpPassword mentioned in the request URL should not be empty.
4208 The rbmagentID mentioned in the request URL should not be empty.
4209 The rbmagentID mentioned in the request URL is repeated or invalid.
4210 The scriptname mentioned in the request URL should not be empty.
4211 The displayname mentioned in the request URL should not be empty.
4212 Invalid OS type.
4213 The mode should be any one among SSH/TELNET/SNMP/WMI
4214 The snmptelnetport should be a valid one.
4215 The type mentioned in the request URL is not supported.
4216 The timeout should be a valid one.
4217 The host should not be empty.
4218 The port should be a valid one.
4219 The username mentioned in the request URL should not be empty.
4220 The password mentioned in the request URL should not be empty.
4221 The authentication should SQL or Windows.
4222 The serverpath should not be empty.
4223 The jndiurl should not be empty.
4224 The instance should not be empty.
4225 The Transaction mentioned in the request URL should be yes or no.
4226 The LDAPServer should not be empty.
4227 The LDAPServerPort should not be empty.
4228 The MatchingAttribute should be anyone of cn, uid, sn, displayname, givenname, objectclass, dc, ou.
4229 The FilterCondition should be one of equals, contains or notequals.
4230 The IsSecured field should be either a yes or a no.
4231 The TargetAddress mentioned in the request URL should not be empty.
4232 The DownloadFile mentioned in the request URL should not be empty.
4233 The UploadFile should be either yes or no.
4234 The SearchField should not be empty.
4235 The TargetAddress should not be empty.
4236 The LookupAddress should not be empty.
4237 The RecordType should not be empty.
4238 The version of WEBLOGIC should be anyone of 6.1,7.0,8.1,9.x,10.x.
4238 The JNDIPath should not be empty.
4239 The version of JBoss server should be one of the following: 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x and newer versions.
4240 The version of Tomcat Server should be anyone of 3,4,5,6.
4241 The version of Websphere Server should be anyone of 5.x,6.x,7.x
4242 The mode of Websphere Server should be BASE or ND.
4243 The soapport should be a valid whole number.
4244 The version of Oracle Application Server should be anyone of 10.1.2 or 10.1.3.
4245 The SSL of OracleEBS should be yes or no.
4246 The systemnumber of SAP Server should not be empty.
4247 The logonClient of SAP Server should not be empty.
4248 The language of SAP Server should not be empty.
4249 The specified taskMethod and taskid does not match.
4250 The starttime should less than endtime.
4251 Check for the date time configuration of weekly.
4252 The customTaskStartTime should be less than customTaskEndTime.
4253 The method for UrlMonitor should be post or get.
4254 The httpcondition for UrlMonitor should be as follows. LT for <, GT for >, EQ for =, NE for !=, LE <= and GE for >=.
4255 The url should not be empty.
4256 The version of Exchange Server should be any one of 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003.
4257 The databasetype of QueryMonitor should be any one of MySQL, Oracle, DB2, MsSQL, Sybase, Postgres.
4258 The databasetypename of QueryMonitor should not be empty.
4259 The showqueryoutput of QueryMonitor should be any one of yes or no.
4260 The queries of QueryMonitor should not be empty.
4261 The name for adding Monitor Group already exists.
4262 The name should not be empty.
4263 The grouptype should be either monitorgroup or webappgroup.
4264 The userid in the request url is wrong or the values are repeated.
4265 The weblogic.jar is missing and is required for monitoring Weblogic server Version 6.
4266 The weblogic.jar is missing and is required for monitoring Weblogic server Version 7.
4267 The weblogic.jar is missing and is required for monitoring Weblogic server Version 8.
4268 The weblogic.jar is missing and is required for monitoring Weblogic server Version 9.
4269 The weblogic.jar is missing and is required for monitoring Weblogic server Version 10.
4270 The accessKey should not be empty.
4271 The SecretAccessKey should not be empty.
4272 The apacheurl should not be empty.
4273 The serverstatusurl should be either true or false.
4274 The listenerport should not be empty.
4275 The serverconnectionchannel should not be empty.
4276 The jmxurl should not be empty.
4300 No EUM agent name configured. Please provide the EUM agent names(eumAgents) or the EUM agent ID(eumAgentsID)
4301 Some of the EUM agent names/IDs are invalid
4302 Error while fetching data for the EUM agent. Error - {0}
4303 The fetchType mentioned in the request URL should be either 1 or 2 - 1 for POP / 2 for IMAP.
4304 The fsTLSEnabled mentioned in the request URL should not be empty.
4305 The fsHost, fsUserName and fsPassword mentioned in the request URL should not be empty.
4306 The fsPort mentioned in the request URL should not be empty.
4307 The fetchType mentioned in the request URL should not be empty. Provide fetchType=1 for Pop Server and fetchType=2 for IMAP Server
4308 The tlsEnabled mentioned in the request URL should not be empty
4309 The fetchEnabled mentioned in the request URL should not be empty
4310 The url should not be empty
4310 When adding a URL monitor via Rest API, the URL field should not be empty.
4311 The urlMethod should be P or G.
4311 When adding a URL monitor via Rest API, the urlMethod field should not be empty.
4312 The httpValue should be a valid Integer.
4313 The httpCondition should be LT or GT or EQ or NE or LE or GE.
4314 Some parameter missing for edit URL.For editing URL monitor either one of the following 'type with resourceid' or 'type with url' or 'type with displayname' is needed.
4315 The verifyError should be true or false.
4316 The url is not created before.
4320 Error occurred while editing the monitor.
4321 Parameter for Edit Monitor is missing. For editing monitor either the monitor resourceid or displayname is required.
4322 Unable to find Monitor with the given resourceid or display name. Verify the details provided.
4323 The Record Type mentioned for DNS Monitor is invalid.
4324 The Search Field mentioned for DNS Monitor is invalid.
4325 The domain name should not be empty.
4326 The given EUM monitor details is not for parent monitor. Try to edit again using the parent monitor details.
4340 The fsSSLEnabled mentioned in the request URL should not be empty.
4341 The sslEnabled mentioned in the request URL should not be empty
4342 Agent -{0} mentioned in the URL request not supported for RBM Monitor. RBM monitors support only agents running in Windows
4444 Error
4445 The Managed Server is Down.
4446 The value of datafrequency not equal to 1 or 2 in showpolleddata API.
4447 The GetQueryOutput Rest Api Returns an Empty Row Values.
4500 The monitor group is not Associated to the Delegated Admin of this API key.
4509 Monitor already present in the DB.
4512 The specified time in request URI is incorrect. Either it is more than the current time or not a proper time
4522 Monitor group name already available.
4523 Monitor group name should not be empty.
4524 Owner name(s) [own] in the URL is wrong.
4525 Given location in the URL is wrong.
4526 Problem in editing monitor group.
4540 This API is not available for Admin Server.
4550 The username and password mentioned in the request URL should not be empty when nginxauth is true.
4551 The HostController/ServerName should not be empty if LaunchType of JBoss server is 'DOMAIN'. Applicable for version 7.x and above.
4553 File/Directory Name should be specified with Absolute Path
4554 The content field cannot be empty.
4555 The Hostname field cannot be empty.
4556 The Username field cannot be empty.
4557 Private Key cannot be empty if Key Based Authentication is chosen
4558 Script to be Monitored should not be empty
4559 Working directory(directory from which the script is executed) should not be empty
4560 The value for the parameter table_row (Number of tables) is invalid.
4561 The Tablename field cannot be empty.
4562 Either String attributes or Numeric Attributes that are present in that table should be given for monitoring
4563 Unique column for the table should not be empty.
4564 Prompt cannot be empty if the new host is selected
4574 VMware Horizon View Connection Broker is supported only when the product is running on a Windows Server
4600 Parameters should not be empty.
5001 The credential name should not be empty.
5002 The type should not be empty.
5003 The Credential Name already exists. Choose another name.
5004 The given Credential ID is not exist.
5005 Credential ID should not be empty.
5006 Credential ID should be a valid whole number.
5007 am.webclient.credentialManager.adminRestriction
5008 The type is null or empty.
5009 Something went wrong.
5010 Access is denied to perform this operation in Managed Server as SSO is enabled.
5011 The trapName should not be empty.
5012 The trapStatus is either empty or invalid.
5013 The trapVersion is either empty or invalid.
5014 The severity is either empty or invalid.
5015 The enterpriseOID is either empty or invalid.
5016 The trapType is either empty or invalid.
5017 The specificType should not be empty.
5018 The specificType is either empty or invalid.
5019 The trapOID is either empty or invalid.
5020 The v3UserName is either empty or invalid.
5021 The trapHost is invalid.
5022 The associateTrapSeverity is invalid.
5023 The filterCondition is invalid.
5024 The filterText cannot be empty if the filterCondition is present.
5025 The filterText is invalid.
5026 The filterCondition cannot be empty if the filterText is present.
5027 The criticalCondition and the criticalThreshold should not be empty if the severity is varbindbased.
5028 The criticalCondition is invalid.
5029 The criticalThreshold cannot be empty if the criticalCondition is present.
5030 The criticalThreshold is invalid.
5031 The criticalThreshold should not have multiple values if the criticalCondition is WHOLE.
5032 The criticalCondition cannot be empty if the criticalThreshold is present.
5033 The warningCondition is invalid.
5034 The warningThreshold cannot be empty if the warningCondition is present.
5035 The warningThreshold is invalid.
5036 The warningThreshold should not have multiple values if the warningCondition is WHOLE.
5037 The warningCondition cannot be empty if the warningThreshold is present.
5038 The clearCondition is invalid.
5039 The clearThreshold cannot be empty if the clearCondition is present.
5040 The clearThreshold is invalid.
5041 The clearThreshold should not have multiple values if the clearCondition is WHOLE.
5042 The clearCondition cannot be empty if the clearThreshold is present.
5043 The clearCondition and the clearThreshold should not be empty.
5044 The warningCondition and the warningThreshold should not be empty.
5045 The criticalActions is not required since critical severity is not configured.
5046 The warningActions is not required since warning severity is not configured.
5047 The clearActions is not required since clear severity is not configured.
5048 The action IDs are either invalid or does not exist.
5049 The monitor group IDs are either invalid or does not exist.
5050 The given trap listener name already exists.
5301 Proxy error. This error code is returned when Applications Manager is not able to establish a connection with the host.
5302 The JConnect mentioned in the request URL should be yes or no.
5303 discoverPDB parameter should be given as yes or no.
5304 Socket Read Timeout / Query Execution Timeout value is invalid.
6000 Field is mandatory and cannot be empty.
6001 Page Load Timeout should be an integer between 1 and 30.
6002 Value for the field should be an integer.
6003 Wait after load should be an integer between 1 and 10.
6004 Value for the field should be true or false.
6005 Polling Interval should be greater than 30.
6006 Value for discoverOption should be one of the three: [0, 1, 2].
6007 The version of Horizon should be '7.x', '7.13', or '8.x'.
6011 Provided End time is lesser than the Start time
6022 Please provide valid hostname.
6023 Please enter a valid instance name.
6024 Please provide valid username.
6025 Please enter a valid password.
6026 Timestamp should be greater than current server time.
6027 The request URI must contain StartTime parameter when CustomTime is true.
6028 The request URI must contain EndTime parameter when CustomTime is true.
6030 The data collection operation is currently in progress. Please wait a few seconds before polling again.