List and Map Dependencies

The APIs - listDependencies and mapDependencies can be used to list, add and remove dependencies for Health and Availability attributes.

Request Parameters

The parameters involved in executing this API request are:

Field Description
resourceid The resource ID of the monitor to which dependencies should be mapped or removed.
attributeid The attribute ID of the Health or Availability attribute of the particular monitor.
dependentResources The dependencies to be mapped or removed. Values should be given in the following format: resourceid:attributeid
dependenciesCount The integer representing number of mapped dependencies on which the Health or Availability attribute should depend.
removeMapping  The boolean value which will decides the behaviour of the REST API i.e. if dependencies should be mapped or mapping removed (Optional parameter , default value : false).

Sample API Requests



Supported HTTP methods: POST

Allowed roles: Administrator



Supported HTTP methods: GET

Allowed roles: Administrator