Search API

This API will fetch the List of Monitors / Monitor Groups that matches the query string and the search condition. Also the search will be with in the list of monitors assigned to the user.

API for XML Response:

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/Search?apikey=[API Key]&query=[query]&searchCondition=[searchCondition]

API for JSON Response:

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/json/Search?apikey=[API Key]&query=[query]&searchCondition=[searchCondition]

Supported HTTP methods: GET

Allowed roles: Administrator, Operator, User, Manager

Request Parameters:

Field Description
query This value specifies the string that has to be searched in the monitors list associated to an user.

Additional Parameters:

Field Description
searchCondition This value specifies the type of monitor that has to be searched in the monitors list associated to an user. For example - displayname, monitortype, ipaddress and customfields. searchCondition can also be specified as 'all' when if you wish to search in all monitor types.

Response Details:

Field Description
Type This represents the type of the element got in search results
HealthStatus This is health status of the search element
AvailabilityMessage This is the availability message of the search element
DisplayName This is the displayname of the search element
ManagedServer This is the managed server name in which the monitor or group is added.It will have 'NA' as value for professional edition
AvailabilityStatus This is availability status of the search element
SubGroup This is category to which the elements belongs to.
ResourceId This is the resource id of the search element.
HealthMessage This is the health message of the search element
HealthSeverity This is the health severity of the search element
ImagePath This is monitor type/ monitor group image path
AvailabilitySeverity This is the availability severity of the search element
DetailsPageURL This is details page of the search element.

Sample Requests

XML Input


XML Response

<response response-code="4000"><Monitor Type="Linux" HealthStatus="clear" AvailabilityMessage="Resource up. <br>The resource karthi linux is available." DisplayName="karthi linux" ManagedServer="Admin Server" AvailabilityStatus="up" SubGroup="Linux" ResourceId="10000117" HealthMessage="Health of karthi linux is clear. <br>Root Cause : <br>1. karthi linux is up<br>2. Data Collection Successful<br>" HealthSeverity="5" ImagePath="/images/icon_monitors_linux.gif" AvailabilitySeverity="5" DetailsPageURL="/"/><Monitor Type="Linux" HealthStatus="clear" AvailabilityMessage="Resource up. <br>The resource app-centos32-1 is available." DisplayName="app-centos32-1" ManagedServer="Admin Server" AvailabilityStatus="up" SubGroup="Linux" ResourceId="10000108" HealthMessage="Health of app-centos32-1 is clear. <br>Root Cause : <br>1. app-centos32-1 is up<br>2. Data Collection Successful<br>" HealthSeverity="5" ImagePath="/images/icon_monitors_linux.gif" AvailabilitySeverity="5" DetailsPageURL="/"/><Monitor Type="Linux" HealthStatus="clear" AvailabilityMessage="Resource up. <br>The resource prasadh linux is available." DisplayName="prasadh linux" ManagedServer="Admin Server" AvailabilityStatus="up" SubGroup="Linux" ResourceId="10000071" HealthMessage="Health of prasadh linux is clear. <br>Root Cause : <br>1. prasadh linux is up<br>2. Data Collection Successful<br>" HealthSeverity="5" ImagePath="/images/icon_monitors_linux.gif" AvailabilitySeverity="5" DetailsPageURL="/"/></response>

JSON Input:


JSON Response:

{"response":{"result":[{"Type":"Linux","HealthStatus":"clear","AvailabilityMessage":"Resource up. <br>The resource app-centos32-1 is available.","DisplayName":"app-centos32-1","ManagedServer":"Admin Server","AvailabilityStatus":"up","SubGroup":"Linux","ResourceId":"10000108","HealthMessage":"Health of app-centos32-1 is clear. <br>Root Cause : <br>1. app-centos32-1 is up<br>2. Data Collection Successful<br>","HealthSeverity":"5","ImagePath":"/images/icon_monitors_linux.gif","AvailabilitySeverity":"5","DetailsPageURL":"/"},{"Type":"Linux","HealthStatus":"clear","AvailabilityMessage":"Resource up. <br>The resource linux is available.","DisplayName":"linux","ManagedServer":"Admin Server","AvailabilityStatus":"up","SubGroup":"Linux","ResourceId":"10000117","HealthMessage":"Health of karthi linux is clear. <br>Root Cause : <br>1. linux is up<br>2. Data Collection Successful<br>","HealthSeverity":"5","ImagePath":"/images/icon_monitors_linux.gif","AvailabilitySeverity":"5","DetailsPageURL":"/"},{"Type":"Linux","HealthStatus":"clear","AvailabilityMessage":"Resource up. <br>The resource prasadh linux is available.","DisplayName":"prasadh linux","ManagedServer":"Admin Server","AvailabilityStatus":"up","SubGroup":"Linux","ResourceId":"10000071","HealthMessage":"Health of linux1 is clear. <br>Root Cause : <br>1. linux1 is up<br>2. Data Collection Successful<br>","HealthSeverity":"5","ImagePath":"/images/icon_monitors_linux.gif","AvailabilitySeverity":"5","DetailsPageURL":"/"}],"uri":"/AppManager/json/Search"},"response-code":"4000"}