Web Transaction Monitoring

The Web Transaction page will give you details pertaining to the action that consumes longer time, frequently accessed actions, tier-wise breakdown of transaction response time (Example: JVM, Database, and much more) from the application level down to the individual transaction level.

The transactions can be sorted out on the basis of Most Time Consuming , Throughput, Lowest Apdex and Slowest Average Response.

Transaction Trace

The Transaction tracing feature will provide you with insight into individual transactions. Transaction Traces are snapshots of transactions to help you identify performance bottlenecks by drilling down the transactions to pinpoint the cause of trouble.
Based on your configuration in apminsight.conf, the SQL Statements executed within the transaction and its stack trace are collected and displayed in tree view.

In the trace page transactions are assembled with various parameters like:

  • Transaction Start Time
  • Transaction Response Time
  • Transaction Average Response Time

Database operations

With APM Insight you can get detailed performance metrics to identify the slow database calls, database usage and overall performance of the database furnished with detailed graphical and tabular representations.

By clicking on individual database operation, you get a list of web transactions that were performed by this particular table, thereby helping you to narrow down and isolate the root cause of performance slowdown.

In the Database page you can view all the database operations and represent them as charts based on:

  • Overall Database Response Time and Throughput
  • Database Response Time by Operation
  • Database Throughput by Operation

Database operations can be sorted on the basis of:

  • Slowest average response time.
  • Throughput
  • Most time-comsuming

You can switch between the graphical or tabular representation of the webtransaction and database operations page using the Graph View and Table View buttons at the right-hand corner of the page.