Viewing Workstation Details
Log in to AssetExplorer application using your user name and password.
Click the Assets tab in the header pane. This opens the assets home page.
Click Workstations link under Assets block. This opens the workstations list view page.
Click on the workstation name to view the workstations details. By default Resource Info tab details are displayed.
Resource Info Details
Resource Info tab displays Resource Name, Product Name, Service Tag, Operating System, Last Logged in User details, State, Resource Tag, Resource Serial No, Bar Code, Vendor, Part No, Processor, Domain, Cost in $, Acquisition Date, Expiry Date and Warranty Expiry Date of the workstation are displayed.
Viewing Hardware Details
Click Hardware tab to view the Hardware details of the workstation.
The hardware tab displays complete hardware details such as Computer System details, Operating System details, Processor details, Memory details, Installed memory modules, Network details, Discs and Drive details Printer details and Other details.
Viewing Software Details
Click Software tab to view the software details of the workstation. This opens the software details page with the list of all installed software�s in the workstation. By default the list of All Software will be displayed.
Select the corresponding filter option from the Filter Viewing combo box. There are different status levels of the software, such as Excluded, Managed, Prohibited and Unidentified. You can select any of these status levels and filter the software�s listed.
Click on the software name to view the software details, number of licensed installations, number of unlicensed installations and number of Purchased licenses. If there are any license violations a warning message is displayed saying: License Violation. Software installations are more than purchased licenses.
You also get the details about the Installed Service Packs in the workstation
Viewing Relationships
This relationship tab shows the IT Assets association to other Assets, Business Services, Users and Components.
On clicking the tab -> click the Add Relationship button on the top right hand side of the page.
Connection Relationship
Click the Connection Relationship option from the list. This opens the Connection Relationship page.
To connect the assets to other assets select the Assets radio button.
Select the Product to be associated from the Choose Product combo box.
Select the assets to be connected from the Asset List.
Move the selected asset to the Connected Assets list using the >> button.
Save the details. You can see the connected assets under the Connected to Assets block.
To connect the assets to the Business Services select the corresponding radio button.
Select the business services from the list to be connected to the assets such as, Email, Internet Access and so on.
Move the selected assets from the Business Service list to the Connected Services list using the >> button.
Save the changes. You can see the connected business services under the Business Services block.
Usage Relationship
Click the Usage Relationship option from the list. This opens the Usage Relationship page.
Select the Assign the asset to User/Department radio button to associate the asset to the user/department.
Select the User from the combo box.
Select the Department to be associated from the combo box.
If the Asset is Leased then select the corresponding check box.
Save the changes. (Or)
Select the Associate to Asset radio button to assign the asset to the asset.
Choose Asset to be associated from the combo box.
Save the details.
Container Relationship
Click the Container Relationship option from the list. This opens the Container Relationship page.
Select the Components radio button to associate the components to the user. Select the type of components to be displayed in the list by selecting it from the choose product combo box.
Select the components from the Components List and move it to the Attached components list using >> button.
Save the details.
Viewing History of workstation
Click on the History tab to view the history of the workstation. This gives the complete Workstation Scan History on date and Resource Ownership History.
Viewing Contracts of the workstation
Click on Contracts tab to view the contracts attached to the workstation. This gives the complete details about the contract such as, Vendor name, Support details, Contract rules, Expiry date, Cost and other rules.
Viewing Costs
Click on the Costs tab to view the costs associated to the workstation.
Click on Add Cost button to add cost to the workstation.
Select the Cost Factor from the combo box. For ex. Service Cost. This is a mandatory field.
Specify the description about the cost in the Description field. Say if the cost factor is service cost you can specify important information about the service cost.
Specify the Amount in $ in the Amount field. This is a mandatory field.
Select the Date from the calendar button.
Click on Add Cost button to add the cost. You can see the cost added to the workstation shown in the Other Costs list view page.