
    Scanning Machines outside a domain/network


    The workstations and servers that are not part of any domain/network are scanned using Standalone Audit or by installing the Agent in the remote machines. Both the methods involve a script being installed on the remote workstations which scans and pushes the inventory details to the AssetExplorer server.


    Method #1: Standalone Audit

    Scanning remote machines involve two simple steps,

    1. Download the script from AssetExplorer application.

    2. Execute the script in the remote machines. On executing the script, the data is pushed to the server.

    3. If the server is not reachable from the remote machine, an XML file is generated in the same folder from where the script is executed.

    4. Import the XML file from the AssetExplorer application. You can see the stand alone workstation details in the list view.


    Accessing Standalone Audit configuration

    1. Click Quick Actions drop-down menu and select standalone audit link.

    2. The Scanning Workstations through Scrip window pops up.

    NOTE: Please note that the scripts are different for Windows, Linux and MAC machines. Click the appropriate tabs to download the script.

    1. Click the Click to Download link to download the script. Save the file as ae_scan.vbs for Windows machines. In case of Linux and MAC machines, save the file as and respectively.

    2. Open the command prompt. Change the directory to the folder where the script is saved and execute the following command.

    For Windows:

    CSCRIPT ae_scan.vbs

    For Linux:


    For MAC:


    1. Executing the script will push the data to the AE server. If the server is not reachable from the remote machine, an XML file is generated in the same folder.

    2. Locate and import the XML file from the application.

    3. Click Submit button. On importing the XML file, the stand alone workstation is scanned and gets listed in the Workstation list view page.




    For Windows Machines:

    The ae_scan.vbs file can be configured as a logon script in the active directory with script parameter as "-SilentMode".This will scan the target workstations upon user login and push the scanned inventory data to the AssetExplorer Server.


    For Linux Machines:

    The file can be configured in crontab or as a start-up script, so that the machines are scanned in a periodic manner and the data are pushed to the server. The data is pushed to the AssetExplorer server using curl which has to be installed on the Linux machine.


    For MAC Machines:

    The file can be configured in crontab or as a start-up script, so that the machines are scanned in a periodic manner and the data are pushed to the server. The data is pushed to the AssetExplorer server using curl which has to be installed on the MAC machine.



    Method #2: Installing Agent in the remote machine

    The Windows workstations/servers that are not part of the domain/network can also be scanned using the Agent. The steps involved to scan machines outside a domain/network,

    1. Install the agent in the remote machines with "Scan on system startup" option enabled.

    2. Make sure your AssetExplorer server is on a public IP to accomplish this process.

    3. Restart the remote machine. The system is scanned and the xml is pushed to the AssetExplorer server.


    Zoho Corp. All rights reserved.