
    Adding Software Licenses


    To add software licenses for the existing software,

    1. Log in to AssetExplorer application using your user name and password.

    2. Click the Assets tab in the header pane. This opens the assets home page.

    3. Click Software under Resources block on the left hand side of the page. This opens the software list view page.  

    4. Click Create New link on the top left hand side of the page -> select Software License option. This opens Add Software License page.

    5. Select the Product Name from the combo box. Ex: Software. This is a mandatory field.

    If the product name is not available in the list select Add New link to add the product. specify the Product Name in the given field. This is a mandatory field. Choose the Managed software from the list and click >> button to move the selected software to the selected software list. This is also a mandatory field. Click Save to save the details.

    1. Specify the Number of licenses for the software in the given text field. This is a mandatory field.

    2. Specify the License Key(s) for the software in the given text box.

    3. Select the License Type from the combo box. Say Enterprise or individual. Enterprise: is for the entire organization (license for unlimited users) Individual: Is for the each individual.(license for limited users). This is a mandatory field.

    4. Select the Vendor Name from the combo box. If the specified vendor is not available in the list, then click Add New link and specify the vendor details and save the changes.  

    5. Select the Purchase Date from the calendar button.

    6. If you would like to allocate the license to any site then select the site from the Allocate to list combo box.  

    7. Click Save button to save the changes. You can see the license getting listed in the software license list view page.

    Editing Software Licenses

    1. From the Software license view list page, click the software license name to be edited. This opens the software details page.

    2. Click on the Actions tab -> Click Edit Resource option or click Edit button. This opens the Edit Software License page.

    3. Do the required changes and click the Update button to update the changes. Click Reset button to reset the changes.

    Deleting Software Licenses

    1. From the software list view page, select the software licenses to be deleted by enabling the check box.

    2. Click Delete button. A confirmation dialog box pops-up, asking your confirmation on the delete operation.

    3. Click OK to proceed. You can see the software license deleted from the list.



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