Scheduled Tasks History

Exchange Reporter Plus maintains a history of all scheduled tasks. This information can be viewed from "Scheduled Tasks History".

To view the Scheduled Tasks History :

  1. Click on the "Admin" Tab -->> "Task Scheduling" option under 'Scheduling"

  2. Click on "Scheduled Task History".

This displays "Scheduled Gathering Tasks History".


Following are the fields available in the history of a scheduled task:




Schedule Name

The name provided by the user.

Task Name

The Data Gathering Task executed.

Start Time

When the schedule was started.

End Time

When the schedule was completed.


The total time taken by the gathering task to complete its execution. This depends on the volume of data that is to be gathered.

Execution Status

Successful, Running or Failure of the listed scheduled gathering task is shown.

The reason behind any failed schedule can be viewed by hovering over the corresponding "Failure" Link.



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