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Running Firewall Analyzer and MySQL database in different machines


How to run Firewall Analyzer server and MySQL server in different machines? 

Carry out following steps to run the MySQL server in a separate machine.

  • Stop the Firewall Analyzer server/service. 
  • Edit <Firewall Analyzer Home>/server/deploy/mysql-ds.xml with the following line. 


  • Instead of localhost, enter the IP address/hostname of the machine in which you intend to run MySQL server. 
  • Edit <Firewall Analyzer Home>/server/conf/nms-service.xml file and change StartDBServer value to false. By default its value will be true
  • Carry out the following steps in MySQL server machine 
    • Install Firewall Analyzer if it is not installed or if you do not have MySQL server installed here. 
    • Edit <Firewall Analyzer Home>/bin/startDB.bat/sh to tune MySQL parameters as given in the following sizing guide. 
    • Execute <Firewall Analyzer Home>/bin/startDB.bat/sh to start MySQL server. Ensure that you never start the application in this machine.
  • Start the Firewall Analyzer in the Firewall Analyzer machine. You should be able to see the reports


Start the MySQL server first in the MySQL server machine and then start the Firewall Analyzer application in the Firewall Analyzer server machine. 



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