Importing Sales details from CSV file

    The Sales details include the products purchased by the Accounts along with the details such as date of sale, warranty period, number of units purchased and so on. You can either import sales details from other application or you can directly import the sales details in CSV format into ServiceDes Plus MSP.


    To import sales details from CSV file,

    1. Click the Accounts tab in the header pane to open the accounts list view page.

    2. Click Import Sales details from CSV link.


    Step 1: Upload CSV file

    1. Click on Browse button to select the CSV file.  

    2. On locating the CSV file from the file chooser window, click Open.

    3. Select the File Encoding from the drop down.

    4. Click Next >> button.

    Step 2: Map Columns

    1. Map the application sales field with the field names from the CSV file.

    2. Click Next>>. Click Previous << to go back to Step 1.

    Step 3: Import

    1. Click Import Now button. The sales detail values from the CSV file is imported.

    2. Once the import is complete, the data on how many records were added, how many overwritten, and how many failed to import is displayed in the pop-up.

    3. If at any point you wish to stop importing from the CSV file, click the Exit button.

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