Technician Attributes and xml Response
The operations that can be performed for technicians are described below
1. Technicians can be added, edited and deleted using the API. 2. Technicians with roles of SDAdmin, SDAccountAdmin and SDSiteAdmin can perform operations on technicians. 3. The attributes are case sensitive and should be used as defined. 4. When renaming the button in the sample html form, specify 'operation' as hidden element. |
To add a technician, the targetURL attribute should be set to /servlets/TechnicianServlet and the 'operation' attribute should be 'AddTechnician'.
Attributes |
Comments |
targetURL= "/servlets/TechnicianServlet" |
target url for Adding technician |
operation='AddTechnician' |
operation command for Adding technician. |
name |
Technician name |
employeeId |
Employee ID of the technician |
Email Address of the technician |
phone |
Phone Number of the technician |
mobile |
Mobile number of technician |
smsMailId |
SMS mail id of technician |
costPerHr |
Hourly cost of the technician |
jobTitle |
Job title of the technician. |
techSiteName |
Site to which technician belongs |
departmentName |
Department to which technician belongs |
associateAccounts |
Accounts to which the technician needs to be associated. Provide a comma separated list of values. |
associateSites |
Sites to which the technician needs to be associated. Use the format 'accountname-sitename' as a comma separated list of values. |
associateGroups |
Groups to which the technician needs to be associated. Use the format 'accountname-sitename-group' as a comma separated list of vlaues. |
defaultTechnician |
To add this technician as part of the 'Default Technicians List'. Allowed values are 'true', 'false'. |
UDF aliases name |
additional fields should be specified based on their column names |
enableLogin |
parameter for Enable Login for Technician |
loginName |
Technician's login name |
pwd |
Technician's password |
associateRoles |
roles associated with the technician |
username |
Login Name for ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Authentication |
password |
Password for ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Authentication |
Domain Name to which the user belongs |
logonDomainName |
Authentication Mode [AD or Local Authentication]. �AD_AUTH� refers to Active Directory Authentication. �Local Authentication� or empty value refers to Local Authentication. |
If the technician is associated to many accounts, the accounts should be specified in comma separated format in 'associateAccounts'
Eg: Acme, Manage Engine, Zoho. -
If the technician is associated to many sites, the sites should be specified in comma separated format in 'associateSites' along with the account name separated using a -
Eg: Acme-London, Acme-Paris, Manage Engine-Chennai -
If the technician is assigned to more than one group, the groups should be specified in comma separated format in 'associateGroups' along with the account and site names separated using - (s)
Eg: Acme-London-Hardware, Acme-London-Software, Manage Engine-Chennai-Hardware -
To assign multiple roles to a technician, specify them as a comma separated list.
Eg: SDAccountAdmin, SDChangeManager -
The values permitted for 'enableLogin' are 'true' and 'false'. By default, the value is 'false'.
If 'pwd' is not specified, the pwd for the technician is the same as the specified 'loginName'.
Login is not provided to the technician if 'loginName' is not specified.
Technicians with SDAccountAdmin or SDSiteAdmin privilege but restricted access permissions can add technicians only for their associated sites.
A technician can be assigned only one of SDAdmin, SDAccountAdmin or SDSiteAdmin roles
The sample form to add a new technician can be viewed here.
The html form is submitted to http://machinename:Portnumber/servlets/RequestServlet and a response in xml format displays Success message along with the User ID.
A failure message appears if,
A technician without admin privilege is trying to add a technician. [xml response]
A technician with restricted access is trying to create a technician not associated to his site or account [xml response]
The specified technician login name already exists [xml response]
To update a technician, the targetURL attribute should be set to /servlets/TechnicianServlet and the 'operation' attribute should be 'UpdateTechnician'. 'userid' parameter is mandatory.
Attributes |
Comments |
targetURL= "/servlets/TechnicianServlet" |
target url for Updating technician. |
operation='UpdateTechnician' |
operation command for Updating technician. |
techUserName |
Technician Name to update |
techLoginName |
Login Name of the technician |
techEmailId |
Email ID of the technician |
userid |
Technician ID |
name |
Technician name |
employeeId |
Employee ID of the technician |
Email Address of the technician |
phone |
Phone Number of the technician |
mobile |
Mobile number of technician |
smsMailId |
SMS mail id of technician |
costPerHr |
technician's cost per hour |
jobTitle |
Job title of the technician. |
techSiteName |
Site to which technician belongs |
departmentName |
Department to which technician belongs |
associateAccounts |
Accounts to which the technician needs to be associated. Provide a comma separated list of values. |
associateSites |
Sites to which the technician needs to be associated. Use the format 'accountname-sitename' as a comma separated list of values. |
associateGroups |
Groups to which the technician needs to be associated. Use the format 'accountname-sitename-group' as a comma separated list of vlaues. |
defaultTechnician |
To add this technician as part of the 'Default Technicians List'. Allowed values are 'true', 'false'. |
UDF aliases name |
additional fields should be specified based on their column names |
username |
Login Name for ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Authentication |
password |
Password for ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Authentication |
Domain Name to which the user belongs |
logonDomainName |
Authentication Mode [AD or Local Authentication]. �AD_AUTH� refers to Active Directory Authentication. �Local Authentication� or empty value refers to Local Authentication. |
When editing a technician, technicians are identified based on the order below
The users are first identified based on the 'techLoginName'.
Then, the technician is identified using the 'techEmailid'.
Next, the 'techUserName' is used to identify the technician.
If the technician cannot be identified from the above criteria, then the technician is identified based on 'userid'.
If multiple technicians are found while searching using 'techLoginName' or 'techUserName', then they are not updated.
Values in login details cannot be updated through API.
The sample form to update technicians can be accessed here.
A success message appears if the technician is updated successfully.
A failure message appears if,
A technician without admin privilege is trying to update a technician. [xml response]
A technician with restricted access is trying to update a technician not associated to his site. [xml response]
To delete a technician, the targetURL attribute should be set to /servlets/TechnicianServlet and the 'operation' attribute should be 'DeleteTechnician'.
Attributes |
Comments |
targetURL= "/servlets/TechnicianOperationServlet" |
target url for deleting technician |
operation='DeleteTechnician' |
operation command for deleting technician |
techUserName |
technician Name |
techLoginName |
technician's loginName |
techEmailId |
technician's emailId |
userid |
technician id |
username |
Login Name for ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Authentication |
password |
Password for ServiceDesk Plus - MSP Authentication |
Domain Name to which the user belongs. |
logonDomainName |
Authentication Mode [AD or Local Authentication]. �AD_AUTH� refers to Active Directory Authentication. �Local Authentication� or empty value refers to Local Authentication. |
Technician with 'SDAdmin' can be deleted only by another 'SDAdmin'.
The sample form to delete a technician can be viewed here.
The response in xml displays a Success message if the technician has permission to delete technicians.