View IT Asset Details

    1. Go to Assets > IT Assets.

    2. Click the preferred IT Asset Category to view the list of IT Assets in the chosen category.

    3. Click the IT Asset name of your choice to view details.



    View CI Info     

    CI Info tab displays the asset details such as the Owner( Assigned to), Name, Location (Site), Tag, Bar Code, Serial No Region, Purchase Order NO, Cost, Acquisition Date, Expiry Date, and many other details are displayed. 


    View Software Details

    If the asset is a workstation or a laptop, then you can view the list of software installed in it. During the scan of the assets, software information will also be fetched. With this, you can view the name and version of the software, its usage, scanned licensed key, product ID, type, category, Allocated license information, etc. Any service pack installed in the asset will also be captured. By default, the OS of workstations such as Windows 10/High Sierra will be moved to Managed Software type. 


    View Relationships

    The Relationship tab shows the default relationships of the asset with other assets. If you are have configured CMDB in the application, then the relationship map is displayed. Refer Defining CI Relationship to know more on configuring the relationships between assets. On clicking the tab -> click the Add Relationship button on the top right-hand side of the page.


    Connection Relationship

    1. Click the Connection Relationship option from the list. This opens the Connection Relationship page.

    2. To connect the assets to other assets select the Assets radio button.

      1. Select the assets to be connected from the Asset List.

      2. Move the selected asset to the Connected Assets list using the >> button.

      3. Save the details. You can see the connected assets under the Connected to Assets block.

    3. To connect the assets to the Business Services select the corresponding radio button.

      1. Select the business services from the list to be connected to the assets such as Email, Internet Access and so on.

      2. Move the selected assets from the Business Service list to the Connected Services list using the >> button.

      3. Save the changes. You can see the connected business services under the Business Services block.


    Usage Relationship

    1. Click the Usage Relationship option from the list. This opens the Usage Relationship page.

    2. Select the Assign the asset to User/Department radio button to associate the asset to the user/department.

      1. Select the User from the combo box.

      2. Select the Department to be associated from the combo box.

      3. If the Asset is Leased then select the corresponding check box.

      4. Save the changes. (Or)

    3. Select the Associate to Asset radio button to assign the asset to the asset.

      1. Choose Asset to be associated from the combo box.

      2. Save the details.


    Container Relationship

    1. Click the Container Relationship option from the list. This opens the Container Relationship page.

    2. Select the Components radio button to associate the components to the user. Select the type of components to be displayed in the list by selecting it from the choose product combo box.

    3. Select the components from the Components List and move it to the Attached components list using the >> button.

    4. Save the details.


    View History of IT Asset

    Click the History tab to view the IT Asset's history. This tab captures the complete history of events of an asset. It includes the following:

    • Asset's Scan History: Captures all the scans that have been performed on this particular asset.

    • Assets Ownership History: Captures the ownership information of the particular asset including modifications done to the state of the asset.

    • CI History: Any changes made to the Asset fields will be captured under this section. 

    • Remote Session(s) History: Records the various remote sessions that have been taken on the asset. Applicable only to workstation and Laptops.


    Request Details

    • Click the Requests tab to view all the requests raised for the asset.

    • Click on a particular request will route you to the request's details page from where you can view details of the request, such as the priority, impact, impact details, urgency, requester details, assets belonging to the user, time elapsed to solve the request, resolution for the request and history of the request. 

    You can send a reply to the request or forward the request to the technician. 

    Also under this tab, you will be able to find the Problems and Change requests that have been raised for this asset. Clicking on a particular Problem or Change will route you to the details page of the Problem/Change, from where you can view more information on them. You can search associated problems and changes or add new problem or change to the request.

    • Click on a particular change or problem to get various information such as the Change Owner, Reported by, Category, Priority, Status, and Urgency. 


    View Contracts of the IT Asset

    Click the Contracts tab to view the contracts attached to the IT Asset. This gives the complete details about the contract such as vendor name, support details, contract rules, status, expiry date, cost, and other rules. Click on the contract name or ID to view the complete details of the contract. From there, you can also view the renewal details of the contract. 



    View Cost

    1. Click the Costs tab to view the costs associated with the IT Asset.

    2. Click Add Cost button at the right side of the page to add cost to the IT Asset.

    3. Select the Cost Factor from the combo box. For e.g. Service Cost. This is a mandatory field.

    4. Specify the description of the cost in the Description field. Say if the cost factor is service cost you can specify important information about the service cost.  

    5. Specify the Amount in $ in the Amount field. This is a mandatory field.

    6. Select the Date from the calendar button. This is a mandatory field.

    7. Click Add Cost button to add the cost. You can see the cost added to the IT Asset shown in the Other Costs list view page.

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