Assigning Bulk Non-IT Assets to Department/Site

    1. Log in to ServiceDesk Plus - MSP application using your user name and password.

    2. Click the Assets tab in the header pane. This opens the assets home page.

    3. Select the Non-IT Assets title under the Resources block. Select the specific Non- IT Asset link. This opens the Assets list view page.

    Assign Bulk of Assets to Department

    1. Click on the Non-IT assets to be assigned to a Department by enabling the check boxes. Click Actions menu -> select Assign to Department option. This opens Assign Resources to pop-up window.

    2. Select the Account and Department Name from the combo box.

    3. Save the details.

    Assign Bulk of Assets to Site

    1. Click on the Non-IT assets to be assigned to a Site by enabling the check boxes. Click Actions menu -> select Assign to Site option. This opens Assign Resources to pop-up window.

    2. Select the Account and Site Name from the combo box.

    3. Save the details.



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