Configuring Accounts


    A Managed Service Provider (MSP) would provide service to many Accounts, big or small, across the globe to handle various specialized activities. These accounts would contain site(s) located in the same or different region, and the data from each of these site(s) need to be maintained in the same place. You can configure various sites to a region in the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP application The segmentation is :
    Account --> Region --> Site --> Department



    Note: The administrator has the privilege to Add/Edit/Delete an account. The Account Admin can only View/Edit the accounts to which he is associated from the Account list page.  


    Add Account

    To add new account,

    1. Login to ServiceDesk Plus - MSP application using the username and password of the admin user..

    2. Click Admin tab in the header pane.

    3. On the Account Details block, click Account admin_account icon.

    4. In the Account List view page, click Add New Account link on the right hand side corner. The Add New Account form opens.

    5. Enter the Account Name in the text field provided. It is a mandatory field.

    6. Enter brief information in the Description field about the account.

    7. Enter the Login URL in the text field provided. It is a mandatory field. Login URL allows requester from an account to view their account-specific images when they login through the URL. Example: If Login URL for an account is given as zohocorp, requesters for that account should login through

    8. Enter the Default Site Name in the text field provided. It is a mandatory field. Click on the icon beside the Default Site Name field for more information about default site.

    9. Specify the Address of the account along with City, Postal Code, State and Country.

    10. Enter the Contact Information such as E-mail Id, Phone no, Fax no and the Web URL of the account.

    11. Enter the Support E-Mail Address in the text field provided to which requests will be sent by a requester of this account. This e-mail address will also be used for sending 'Notifications' to the requester and used for replies to requests send from the product. NOTE: The e-mail Id specified here should be aliased with the Mail Account specified in Incoming Mail Server Settings.

    12. Specify the Email Domains from which emails will be sent to this account. When a requester sends an e-mail from an e-mail address that is not already registered with the product, the request will be created under this account.
      NOTE: Support E-Mail Address gets precedence over Email Domain.

    13. Use the Attach file button to attach any document related to the Account.

    14. Use the Import image buttons to import the Login and Header image for the Account.

    15. Click Save button to save the account details and return to the list view. Click Save and Add new button to save and add another account. If you wish to cancel the operation then click Cancel.

    Edit Account

    To edit an account,

    1. From the account list page, click the edit icon editicon beside the account which you wish to edit. The Edit Account page opens with the existing details.

    2. You can modify all the fields in this page. Click Save to save the modified changes. Click Save and Add New to save and add another account.

    Delete Account

    To delete account,

    1. In the Account List page, select the check box beside the account which you wish to delete. And click Actions->Delete Account(s) link. A confirmation dialog appears

    2. Click Ok to proceed. The account gets deleted from the list of available accounts.



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