SupportCenter Plus
Admin Guide

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In order to fetch and send mails from the application, you need to configure the Mail Server Settings in the Admin module.


Incoming Mail Server Settings  


Have the following fields -

  • Server Name/IP Address: Denotes the Incoming Mail Server from where the mails need to be fetched.

  • User Name & Password: Login credentials to the server.

  • Email Type: Indicates the type of email fetching (For example: IMAP or POP and so on)

  • Port: Port from where the mails need to be fetched.

  • Mail Loop & Mail Storming Prevention Settings: Suppress Auto Notification and prevent Email Storming from contacts by halting the mail looping and mail fetching into the application. Specify the number of mails and the time span after which the mail fetching and the looping should be stopped.

All fields are mandatory fields and cannot take null values. Click Save button after entering the above details. The configurations will be saved and SupportCenter Plus will try to establish connection with the mail server. Click Start Fetching button, to start the mail fetching.


Outgoing Mail Server Settings


Have the following fields -

  • Server Name/IP Address: Denotes the Outgoing Mail Server through which the mails are sent to the external world.

  • Alternate Server Name/IP Address: Backup server name which will take over the main server in case of server crash.

  • Email Type: Indicates the type of email despatching (For example: SMTP or POP and so on).

  • Port: Port from where the mails need to be sent.  

If authentication is required for outgoing mails server, enable Required Authentication and enter the specific credentials.


Mail Configuration


The email address to which the service requests are sent and should be fetched by SupportCenter Plus application is configured under Mail Configuration. If you have enabled multi-tendency, the email address of the respective Business Units can be configured such that the mails are routed to the particular Business Unit.  

  • Incoming Email IDs: The email address to which the service requests are sent.

  • Sender Name: The name to appear in the mail beside sender's mail ID, while sending mails from the application.

  • Reply-To Address: The email address to which the reply needs to be sent.

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