SNMP Trap Listener
SNMP Trap Listener can be configured in such a way that, if a particular trap is received, actions can be configured and alarms will be generated accordingly. For e.g., you can configure a trap listener for system shutdown, you can assign the severity as critical and also associate an email action through SNMP Trap Listener. If the trap is received, then the severity becomes critical and an email alarm is generated.
The default port through which the traps are received is 1620. The default port can be changed by modifying the value for the key am.traplistener.port in file located under <Applications Manager Home>/conf directory. Restart the server for the changes to take effect.
Follow the steps given below to add a SNMP Trap Listener.
- Under Settings tab, click on Traps. Then click on Add New option under SNMP Trap Listener tab. This will take you to the Add SNMP Trap Listeners page.
- Enter the Trap Listener Name.
- Choose the Status of the trap. The Status is 'enable' by default.
- Select the SNMP Trap version - V1, V2C or V3
- If you select v1, select the Generic Type. The various generic types are coldStart, warmStart, linkDown, linkUp, authenticationFailure, egpNeighborLoss, and enterpriseSpecific. If you select enterpriseSpecific type, you can also provide wildcard symbol ' * ' or numeric value for Specific Type field. Enter the Enterprise OID. The Enterprise OID can configured as either exact OID or part of an OID. You can use the MibBrowser to get the Object ID. If you select a Parent OID from the MibBrowser, all child OIDs will also be automatically listened.
- If the version is v2c, then enter the Trap OID. The Trap OID can configured as either exact trapoid or part of trapoid which ends with '.*' . You can use the MibBrowser to get the Object ID.
- V3 also requires the Username of the host from which the trap should be received. The Trap OID can configured in APM as exact Trap OID.
- By enabling the Filter based on variable bindings checkbox, you can filter out SNMP traps at a variable binding level. You can configure various conditions by mentioning required Varbind Index values and entering specific trap message string values that match for its corresponding SNMP Object Instance.
- Check the Customize Message (Varbinds) checkbox to customize the trap message. Enter the message. Message (Varbinds) can be defined using:
- $*
- $1, $2, $3,...,$N
- Any user defined message with selected variables {eg. $4 configuration changed in $2. Changed By: $5 }
- Select the Severity. It can be Critical, Warning, Clear or Based on Variable Bindings. If you select the 'Based on Variable Bindings' option, you can specify various conditions based on variable binding values. By default, you can configure the condition for Critical severity. Enable the 'Advanced' checkbox to configure for Warning and Clear severities as well.
Note: Length of trap message in text field should not exceed 2000 characters for varbind-based severity conditions (Critical/Warning/Clear).
- You can associate a trap severity with server health.
- The trap can be received from any Host or you can specify the Host from which the trap can be received.
- You can also associate the trap to Monitor Groups by selecting the required ones from the list.
- Associate Actions that need to be executed when the trap is received. The actions can be chosen from the list of actions configured. If you have selected the 'Based on Variable Binding' option under Severity, you have to associate the actions for all the severities defined. (Critical, Warning, and Clear)
- Save the Trap Listener.
You can view the Traps by clicking on 'View' from the Settings tab. It opens up to the 'View SNMP Trap Listeners' page, in which details about the trap listeners are given. Edit option is available to modify the traps listeners. Also, the alarms configured for the traps received can be viewed from the Alarms tab.
Dell OpenManage can be integrated with ManageEngine Applications Manager via the SNMP Trap Listener. More in
Applications Manager's blog.