Alarm Details

Under Alarms tab, the alarm details for each alarm is displayed by clicking on the 'Alarm Message' for individual alarms. Under the Alarm Details page, you can view:

  • The Monitor to which the alarm is associated and an "At a Glance Report".
  • The Attribute for which the alarm is configured.
  • The Time of Creation of the alarm.
  • The Last Updated Time of the alarm.
  • The Current & Previous Severity of the alarm
  • Dependency Rule Configuration
  • The technician who attended on the Alarm.
  • The Root Cause Analysis (RCA) messages
  • Custom Fields
  • Annotations can be added to describe the details of the alarm.
  • The Anomaly Dashboard for troubleshooting.

Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

Based on the threshold and dependencies associated with the attributes of Monitor, the severity of the Monitor and Monitor Group is determined. You can view the Root Cause Analysis report by clicking the status icon of the attributes (Refer to the Icon Representation section to know the different status icons). Expand the nodes to view the actual cause of the problem. 

The following are the details that can be viewed in Alarms page.

Options Description
All Lists all the alarms based on Alarm Views where there are options to choose a particular or all Monitor Groups and Monitor Types.
Last One Hour Lists all the alarms generated for the last one hour.
Last One Day Lists all the alarms generated for the last one day.

Note: Check out the blog post to know more about RCA Messages.

Alarms Health and Availability History

Alarm history gives you the history of the changes in the status of Health and Availability of an alarm over a period of one month. The history table displays:

  • Severity: Indicates the severity status of the monitor based on its pre-defined threshold.
  • Date/Time: Date and Time at which the alarm was generated.
  • Message: Refers to the problem that caused the alarm. Click on the message to know more about the alarm details. Also view the Alarm History that gives you a detailed idea on generation of the alarm and its status.
  • Monitor Name: Name of the Monitor that created the alarm.

Other Attributes History

Attribute history gives you the history of changes seen in the severity status of the attribute for an alarm over a period of one month. The Attributes History table displays the following information:

  • Severity: Indicates the severity status of the attribute based on its pre-defined threshold.
  • Date/Time: Date and Time at which the alarm was generated.
  • Message: Refers to the problem that caused the alarm for the attribute. It comprises of detailed information on the attribute's severity and its corresponding RCA message along with its threshold details configured.

To view the attribute history details, select the monitor name and the corresponding attribute name from their respective dropdowns.

Note: From Applications Manager Version 174500, we support an option to filter Alarms history and Other attributes history based on Time and Severity.

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