Data Synchronization Across Components

Once the different components of AD360 are integrated, the data related to domain settings, component integration, etc., will be automatically synchronized across each component. This saves a lot of time for the administrators, as they no longer have to configure the same settings across all the four components. Any changes they make in any one of the components will be reflected in the other components also. The data relating to the following configuration settings will be automatically synchronized across all the components of AD360:

Domain Settings:

If you want to add a Domain to all the components in AD360, simply add the domain to any one of the component and it will be automatically added to all the other components. Also, if there is a change in the administrator credential that was used in configuring a domain with a component, simply update the change in any one of the component and it will be synchronized across all the other components.

Integration Settings:

The different components of AD360 communicate with each other for various purposes like Single Sign-On, domain settings, etc. Any changes to the hostname and port number of a component must be reflected in the other components for smooth running of all the components. But with AD360, there is no need for you, the administrator, to manually make the changes in all the components. Simply update these changes in the AD360 Integration settings page and the changes will be automatically synchronized across all the components.